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After my first guide for the Latitude D830/630 i tought of an other one so here is my guide for all the Latitude D600 Users out there.


For this Installation i used the "Jas 10.4.8 Installation Disk" just google it!....Yes i know I also would like to have Leopard!


1.Download "Jas 10.4.8" and burn it to DVD


2. BackeUp all your data.


3.Insert the DVD and restart your PC, at the Dell screen press F12 and select "CD/DVD-Rom" press any key when it tells you to. Now it will take a while so drink a Coffee or do what else you would like! In 10 minutes everything will have nice colors and a GUI.


4. So now Select your Language, accept the Licence things and select your HD you wan´t to install to. If nothing is listed go to Utilities - Disk Utility in the upper bar and Partition your HD. Press next then customize and select the upper package named Jas... in the white box down you will see "Select this if you are on intel" or something like that. Click finish and then Install. Skip the DVD-check. Now again do what you like and wait 20-30 minutes.


5. The Installation has finished and you hear a nice music and you see a video. So enjoy the video. When the Video has finished type in all your personal data. CAUTION: DO NOT ENTER YOUR REAL NAME AND ADRESS!!! DO NOT REGISTER WITH APPLE!!!


6. Congratulations you have Installed "OSX" on you Computer but there is still allot to do.


7. So first we will install KextHelper(get it here: http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/Kext...load-29720.html ) and download Network.zip,unzip both open kext helper and drag the from network.zip extracted file in the big white field, type in your password in the password field,press easy install, confirm it and reboot when it tells you to.


8.Navigate to Library/Preferences/Systemconfiguration/ and copy com.apple.boot.plist to your desktop.Open it.It should look like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>"Graphics Mode"="1024x768x32"</string>






So <string>"Graphics Mode"=1024x768x32</string> is your resolution. Without driver you are locked at this resolution. So now for the Latitude D600 there are 2 differen displays now it´s depending on what display you have in your Laptop:


1. Display 1400x1050 - more expensive, better resolutionn

2. Display 1024x768 - cheap, not so good resolution


If you have the 1024x768 Display skip the next steps.


For the others replace 1024x768x32 with 1400x1050x32.

Now delete the com.apple.boot.plist from Library/Preferences/Systemconfiguration/ (drag it onto the Trash icon in the dock and type your password) make shure you have copied it to the desktop first. Make shure you have edited the one on the desktop. Now save your file and close TextEdit. Drag your edited file into the systemfolder, type your password and reboot. If you did everything right you now have full resolution.


From here again start if you skipped the Graphics part the other also do this!!!


9. Let´s get the Powermanagement working:


Navigate to System/Library/Systemconfiguration and delete powermangement.bundle, now download powermanagement.zip,unzip it and drag the unzipped file into the systemconfiguration folder. Now you can reboot.


So now after this:


Whats working:


- Ethernet (Broadcom 57xx)

- Audio

- Graphics at maximum resolution

- Batterymeter (Percent and Time)


What dosn´t work:


- Sleep(Never found a solution ;( )

- WLAN(If you have Intel Wirelles)

- Graphics with Open GL/Quarz Extreme


If you have a Broadcom wirelles-card download bcmwirelles.zip and install the script it will install a driver for allot of Broadcom wirelles-cards.


If you have Intel wirelles you could look at this:http://code.google.com/p/iwidarwin/ some people say its working some say it´s not.



So have fun with your new Hackintosh ....and does someone know how to get sleep working???




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