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ive got osx on my acer its got 2 partitions 150gb to windows7 and 150 to osx

i let my battery dies accidentally now osx wont boot

i get



"power parent ready after 1 tries

syncing disks ...killing all processes


contuing done

cpu halted"


booting from a dvd i cant reinstall because it says it cant use the disk

in disk utility it wont mount

and if i try to repair in disk utility it fails saying "invalid sibling link "


windows still boots

but cant see the mac drive except for in hfsexplorer


any ideas how i can fix this not loosing my mac data




When the battery runs out, OSX is supposed to save everything in RAM to a file on the hard drive and then switch off.

This is called hibernation and it doesn't always work well on a hackintosh.



You can turn it off with su pmset -a hibernatemode 0.


Take out the hard drive and plug it into a PC running Mac Drive or Transmac to retrieve your data, or what's left of it.

Take out the hard drive and plug it into a PC running Mac Drive or Transmac to retrieve your data, or what's left of it.

would it be possible to to this without doing that?

if i remove the hd it will void my warrenty and its a recent laptop i dont wat to do that



I suppose you could boot it up from an external USB HDD with Windows installed on it and run Transmac or Macdrive from there.


If that doesn't work you could try booting from a Linux Live CD/DVD (one that has HFS mount/read support) and then back up your data to an external HDD or memory stick.


Personally I would just void the warranty...while laughing.


Good luck.

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