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As topic and description says; I can't get any USB Drives to work on my Dell XPS M1710. It seems like it's only USB Storage (USB flash drives. I haven't tried any external hdd yet). The USB is working though (I tried with my wireless trust-mouse used on my iMac, and it worked like a charm!)

So it's only storage media. A mounting problem perhaps? Is there any way to do this manually?


I've tried to make som changes to info.plist, and version.plist - to be more spesific I've changed the kernel number from 9.2.2 to 9.2.0. (Files are found in /System/Library/Extensions).

I used some command in Terminal found in another thread at InsanelyMac forums to tell which kernel I was running, and it said 9.2.0. So I did the right thing changing the version number to 9.2.0 in those files, right? I replaced every string saying 9.2.2 with 9.2.0 in both documents.

After a few restarts, still nothing is working.


What I discovered so far is that an app called HardwareGrowler (shipped with the Kalaway 10.5.2 DVD) actually knows the name of my drive as I connect it. It says "Kingston DataTravler is connected" (or disconnected if I pull it out again)


So in my eyes it's kind of working, but not really. But I feel like getting there very soon, with some geek to "beginner" (or n00b if that's what you guys prefeer). ;)


Anyway, thanks for reading.

All anwers are great appreciated!



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