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Got 10.5.5 finally installed - from the iDeneb v1.3 DVD, with a different external DVD drive.


However, when I now try to boot the computer into OS X it gets stuck right at the beginning at the plain grey screen with the Apple logo on it.


Any idea what I can do here?


(BTW: Boot Booster is disabled.)




... I tried already to boot with the "-v" option. I then get about 20 lines of text and nothing of it looks like an error message. The last 2 lines are"


MAC Framework successfully initialized

using 10485 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers


After that nothing happens and nothing seems to be possible. I can only switch the machine off and on again.



Make sure you try both ahci and ide in bios for storage devices and try to format your hdd with a different partition scheme when installing. (in disk utility you can select a different partition scheme even if you have just 1 partition on 1 hard drive, by selecting 1 partition in the partition tab the options button will become active)


I am using intel Dg33FB mother board and intel core 2 due 3.00ghz. graphics card is ATI 2400 pro hd.

My prob is i install mac osx 10.5.6 from dvd. installation sucessfully but when i bootfrom without dvd can't find bootdisk. how can i run mac osx please help me as soon as posiblae


NT: sorry for my bad english

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