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Hey Forum;


I have loaded my system (a P5W DH deluxe)

as a dual booting windows xp OS-X86 machine.


i was having trouble setting up both systems on a shared drive.

So i setup two internal drives, one with XP and one with Mac OSX86


And I use my BIOS to select the startup drive.


Everything was working fine, until.

I reinstalled my Windows XP on the 1st of the two drives.


I am not sure which step i used to mess up my bootloader, but I get a disk error press any key to restart, now.

And can only boot to my 2nd OSX86 drive if i have my OSX86 DVD in the drive and I guess I am using its bootloader.


I think i know what i did wrong, and I have a good handle on both systems XP and X86. I am a wix in the terminal and command line.


When i reinstalled my Windows XP.

I had my bios set with the OSX86 (2nd drive) as the startup drive. And forgot to set the bios before i started the xp install

So i am thinking that xp installed a MBR or something on the 2nd drive, which corrupted my bootloader.

The XP install didnt work until i set the BIOS to the 1st drive, then XP installed normally, but my OSX wont boot easy.


Either that or does the OSX86 bootloader Install on the 1st drive and did my reformatting of the drive wipe the bootloader.


The bootloader is called chameleon. I believe.


So that is my first question.

Which step would have corrupt my bootloader


And my second question, is how do i fix it. How do i reinstall just the bootloader.

I dont want to reinstall the OSX86, it is running so awesome.

And which drive/partition should the chameleon bootloader be installed too.


I am running iDeneb 10.5.4 updated to 10.5.6

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