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My specs:

MSI P7N Platinum

2 Gb RAM


E8400 CPU



I installed iPC 10.5.6 on my PC, but when the installation was finished it said it was unable to boot form the disc. I rebootet and it look normal, but then it just freezes. What do I have to do. I have searched a bit but unable to find an answer. Is something wrong with the kernel? Or is there another trick I don't know?



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My specs:

MSI P7N Platinum

2 Gb RAM


E8400 CPU

I installed iPC 10.5.6 on my PC, but when the installation was finished it said it was unable to boot form the disc. I rebootet and it look normal, but then it just freezes. What do I have to do. I have searched a bit but unable to find an answer. Is something wrong with the kernel? Or is there another trick I don't know?




Welcome to InsanelyMac! :(


Look up your motherboard's chipset and include it with your specs. You can also place this information in your "Signature". It will then appear on every post you make. This can be done via My Controls: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...rCP&CODE=00

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When the machine starts up you will see the Darwin bootloader and it will count down. You will be able to press a particular key and then enter boot-options. Use the boot-flag -v so that you start up in Verbose Mode. This will show you useful information instead of the logo and you can see the last line it hangs on. Post back with this.

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