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AMD Mobile Sempron

1.5 GB of RAM

60GB Harddrive from a Toshiba M35X

DVD drive from a Toshiba M35X

some SiS graphics with a 1024x768 screen

a keyboard that has the Alt Gr key

Synaptics Touchpad

Broadcom BCM4318 WiFi



Touchpad and Keyboard don't work after install but do work while installing

USB might have a problem. It works with my USB Keyboard and mouse but has an error with my iPod and doesn't work with my Flashdrive

DVD drive doesn't work



I got WiFi and Ethernet to work.

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Did I post this in the wrong area?



And here's what I got from typing ioreg

djks-macpro31:~ DJK$ ioreg
+-o Root  <class IORegistryEntry, retain 10>
 +-o Aspire 3000	   <class IOPlatformExpertDevice, registered, matched, act$
+-o AppleACPIPlatformExpert  <class AppleACPIPlatformExpert, registered, ma$
| +-o IOPMrootDomain  <class IOPMrootDomain, registered, matched, active, b$
| | +-o IORootParent  <class IORootParent, !registered, !matched, active, b$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| | +-o RootDomainUserClient  <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| +-o ApplePCISlotPM  <class ApplePCISlotPM, !registered, !matched, active,$
| +-o cpus  <class IOPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$
| +-o CPU0@0  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$
| | +-o AppleACPICPU  <class AppleACPICPU, registered, matched, active, bus$
| |   +-o AppleACPICPUInterruptController  <class AppleACPICPUInterruptCont$
| +-o io-apic@fec00000  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, a$
| | +-o AppleAPICInterruptController  <class AppleAPICInterruptController, $
| +-o AppleACPIEventController  <class AppleACPIEventController, !registere$
| +-o bios  <class IOPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$
| | +-o AppleSMBIOS  <class AppleSMBIOS, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o PCI0@0  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$
| | +-o AppleACPIPCI  <class AppleACPIPCI, registered, matched, active, bus$
| |   +-o AGP0@1  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $
| |   | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge  <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$
| |   |   +-o display@0  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, b$
| |   |	 +-o .Display_boot  <class IONDRVFramebuffer, registered, matche$
| |   |	   +-o display0  <class IODisplayConnect, registered, matched, a$
| |   |	   | +-o AppleDisplay  <class AppleDisplay, registered, matched,$
| |   |	   +-o IOFramebufferUserClient  <class IOFramebufferUserClient, $
| |   +-o AMD3@18,3  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| |   +-o LAN@4  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$
| |   +-o MODM@2,6  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| |   +-o USB0@3  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $
| |   | +-o AppleUSBOHCI  <class AppleUSBOHCI, registered, matched, active,$
| |   |   +-o OHCI Root Hub Simulation@3  <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, regist$
| |   |   | +-o AppleUSBHub  <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$
| |   |   | +-o IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$
| |   |   +-o IOUSBCompositeDevice@3200000  <class IOUSBDevice, registered,$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver  <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$
| |   |	 | +-o IOUSBHIDDriver  <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$
| |   |	 |   +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$
| |   |	 |	 +-o IOHIDEventDriver  <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$
| |   |	 |	   +-o IOHIDKeyboard  <class IOHIDKeyboard, registered, ma$
| |   |	 |	   | +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$
| |   |	 |	   |   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$
| |   |	 |	   |   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClie$
| |   |	 |	   |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |	 |	   |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |	 |	   +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$
| |   |	 |		 +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$
| |   |	 |		 +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient$
| |   |	 |		 +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   |	 |		 +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBInterface@1  <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$
| |   |	   +-o IOUSBHIDDriver  <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$
| |   |		 +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$
| |   |		   +-o IOHIDEventDriver  <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$
| |   |			 +-o IOHIDConsumer  <class IOHIDConsumer, registered, ma$
| |   |			 | +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClie$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |			 +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   +-o USB1@3,1  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| |   | +-o AppleUSBOHCI  <class AppleUSBOHCI, registered, matched, active,$
| |   |   +-o OHCI Root Hub Simulation@3,1  <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, regi$
| |   |   | +-o AppleUSBHub  <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$
| |   |   | +-o IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$
| |   |   +-o Optical USB Mouse@23200000  <class IOUSBDevice, registered, m$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver  <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$
| |   |	   +-o IOUSBHIDDriver  <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$
| |   |		 +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$
| |   |		   +-o IOHIDEventDriver  <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$
| |   |			 +-o IOHIDPointing  <class IOHIDPointing, registered, ma$
| |   |			 | +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClie$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |			 |   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSy$
| |   |			 +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   |			   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSyst$
| |   +-o USB2@3,2  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| |   | +-o IOService  <class IOService, !registered, !matched, active, bus$
| |   | +-o AppleUSBEHCI  <class AppleUSBEHCI, registered, matched, active,$
| |   |   +-o EHCI Root Hub Simulation@3,2  <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, regi$
| |   |	 +-o AppleUSBHub  <class AppleUSBHub, registered, matched, activ$
| |   |	 +-o IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$
| |   +-o IDEC@2,5  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| |   | +-o AppleVIAATARoot  <class AppleVIAATARoot, !registered, !matched,$
| |   |   +-o IDE0@0  <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$
| |   |   | +-o AppleVIAATADriver  <class AppleVIAATADriver, registered, ma$
| |   |   |   +-o ATADeviceNub@0  <class ATADeviceNub, registered, matched,$
| |   |   |	 +-o AppleATADiskDriver  <class AppleATADiskDriver, register$
| |   |   |	   +-o IOATABlockStorageDevice  <class IOATABlockStorageDevi$
| |   |   |		 +-o IOBlockStorageDriver  <class IOBlockStorageDriver, $
| |   |   |		   +-o TOSHIBA MK6034GAX TOSHIBA MK6034GAX  <class IOMed$
| |   |   |			 +-o IOMediaBSDClient  <class IOMediaBSDClient, regi$
| |   |   |			 +-o IOFDiskPartitionScheme  <class IOFDiskPartition$
| |   |   |			   +-o Untitled 1@1  <class IOMedia, registered, mat$
| |   |   |				 +-o IOMediaBSDClient  <class IOMediaBSDClient, $
| |   |   +-o IDE1@1  <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$
| |   |	 +-o AppleVIAATADriver  <class AppleVIAATADriver, registered, ma$
| |   |	   +-o ATADeviceNub@0  <class ATADeviceNub, registered, matched,$
| |   |		 +-o IOATAPIProtocolTransport  <class IOATAPIProtocolTranspo$
| |   |		   +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub  <class IOSCSIPeripheralDev$
| |   |			 +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05  <class IOSCSIPeripher$
| |   |			   +-o IODVDServices  <class IODVDServices, registered, $
| |   |				 +-o SCSITaskUserClientIniter  <class SCSITaskUserCl$
| |   |				 +-o IODVDBlockStorageDriver  <class IODVDBlockStora$
| |   +-o LPCB@2  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $
| |   +-o pci1022,1102@18,2  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, activ$
| |   +-o pci1022,1101@18,1  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, activ$
| |   +-o pci1022,1100@18  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active,$
| |   +-o pci14e4,4318@B  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, $
| |   | +-o AirPort_Brcm43xx  <class AirPort_Brcm43xx, registered, matched,$
| |   |   +-o AirPort_Brcm43xxInterface  <class AirPort_Brcm43xxInterface, $
| |   |	 +-o IONetworkStack  <class IONetworkStack, registered, matched,$
| |   |	   +-o IONetworkStackUserClient  <class IONetworkStackUserClient$
| |   +-o pci104c,ac50@6  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, $
| |   +-o pci1039,7012@2,7  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active$
| |   | +-o AppleAC97AudioSiS7012  <class AppleAC97AudioSiS7012, !registere$
| |   |   +-o IOAC97CodecDevice@0  <class IOAC97CodecDevice, registered, ma$
| |   |	 +-o IOAC97AudioCodec  <class IOAC97AudioCodec, registered, matc$
| |   |	   +-o AppleAC97AudioDriver  <class AppleAC97AudioDriver, regist$
| |   |		 +-o AppleAC97AudioEnginePCMOut  <class AppleAC97AudioEngine$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioStream  <class IOAudioStream, registered, matc$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, !reg$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, !r$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, !reg$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, !r$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, !r$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		 | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		 +-o AppleAC97AudioEnginePCMIn  <class AppleAC97AudioEngineP$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioStream  <class IOAudioStream, registered, matc$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, !reg$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioLevelControl  <class IOAudioLevelControl, !reg$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioToggleControl  <class IOAudioToggleControl, !r$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioSelectorControl  <class IOAudioSelectorControl$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient  <class IOAudioControlUser$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   |		   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$
| |   +-o pci1039,760@0  <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, b$
| +-o DMAC  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o PIC  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| +-o TIME  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o RTC  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| | +-o AppleRTC  <class AppleRTC, registered, matched, active, busy 0, ret$
| +-o SPKR  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o SYSR  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o COPR  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o KBC  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| | +-o ps2controller  <class AppleACPIPS2Nub, registered, matched, active,$
| |   +-o ApplePS2Controller  <class ApplePS2Controller, !registered, !matc$
| |	 +-o ApplePS2KeyboardDevice  <class ApplePS2KeyboardDevice, register$
| |	 | +-o ApplePS2Keyboard  <class ApplePS2Keyboard, registered, matche$
| |	 |   +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, activ$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !regis$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |	 |   +-o IOHIDKeyboardDevice  <class IOHIDKeyboardDevice, registered$
| |	 |	 +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matche$
| |	 +-o ApplePS2MouseDevice  <class ApplePS2MouseDevice, registered, ma$
| |	   +-o ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad  <class ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad, $
| |		 +-o IOHIDPointingDevice  <class IOHIDPointingDevice, registered$
| |		 | +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matche$
| |		 +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, activ$
| |		   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| |		   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !regis$
| |		   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |		   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| +-o PS2M  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| | +-o ps2controller  <class AppleACPIPS2Nub, registered, matched, active,$
| |   +-o ApplePS2Controller  <class ApplePS2Controller, !registered, !matc$
| |	 +-o ApplePS2KeyboardDevice  <class ApplePS2KeyboardDevice, register$
| |	 | +-o ApplePS2Keyboard  <class ApplePS2Keyboard, registered, matche$
| |	 |   +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, activ$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !regis$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |	 |   | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |	 |   +-o IOHIDKeyboardDevice  <class IOHIDKeyboardDevice, registered$
| |	 |	 +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matche$
| |	 +-o ApplePS2MouseDevice  <class ApplePS2MouseDevice, registered, ma$
| |	   +-o ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad  <class ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad, $
| |		 +-o IOHIDPointingDevice  <class IOHIDPointingDevice, registered$
| |		 | +-o IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matche$
| |		 +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, activ$
| |		   +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !ma$
| |		   +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !regis$
| |		   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| |		   +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserCl$
| +-o EC0  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| | +-o AppleACPIEC  <class AppleACPIEC, !registered, !matched, active, bus$
| +-o LNKA  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKB  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKC  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKD  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKE  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKF  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKG  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LNKH  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o ACAD  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o BAT1  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| +-o LID  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$
| | +-o AppleACPILid  <class AppleACPILid, !registered, !matched, active, b$
| +-o PWRB  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| | +-o AppleACPIButton  <class AppleACPIButton, !registered, !matched, act$
| +-o SLPB  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
| | +-o AppleACPIButton  <class AppleACPIButton, !registered, !matched, act$
| +-o THRM  <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $
+-o IOResources  <class IOResources, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$
  +-o com_apple_BootCache  <class com_apple_BootCache, !registered, !matche$
  +-o IOHIDSystem  <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$
  | +-o IOHIDUserClient  <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !matched, act$
  | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient  <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !registered, !ma$
  | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserClient, !reg$
  | +-o IOHIDEventSystemUserClient  <class IOHIDEventSystemUserClient, !reg$
  +-o AppleSCSISubsystemGlobals  <class AppleSCSISubsystemGlobals, register$
  +-o IODisplayWrangler  <class IODisplayWrangler, registered, matched, act$
  | +-o IOAccelerationUserClient  <class IOAccelerationUserClient, !registe$
  +-o IOHDIXController  <class IOHDIXController, registered, matched, activ$
  +-o com_apple_driver_AudioIPCDevice  <class com_apple_driver_AudioIPCDevi$
  | +-o com_apple_driver_AudioIPCEngine  <class com_apple_driver_AudioIPCEn$
  |   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$
  |   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$
  |   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$
  |   +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient  <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$
  +-o IONetworkStack  <class IONetworkStack, registered, matched, active, b$
  | +-o IONetworkStackUserClient  <class IONetworkStackUserClient, !registe$
  +-o com_apple_dsmos  <class com_apple_dsmos, !registered, !matched, activ$

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