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I want to thank everyone who helped me. It came, it was easy though time consuming. I came into this plan with knowledge and a few pc modding experiences. I think all you really need to know is how to read and understand what static electricity is as well as understand a little bit of moving around the bios settings. All this is easy but some people think they can attempt without any research and I think not. I fell into about 4 problems today but I knew what i did wrong because I read all of the comments on auzigogs blog and read the troubleshooting responses. Had to go back and read again but I knew my problems were there.


I think the hardest part was piecing the rig together hardware wise. I never new this could make me go insane and make my back a little sour. I reccomend if it's your first time get a case that doesnt need tools. I believe all cases need tools but several make it so hard drive cd drive and just opening the case in general are simple. This didnt make things complicated for me just more time building. I think I spent 4 hours on my rig hardware wise. I'm sure I could do the same in less that an hour, but I am pretty sure I was getting carpal tunnel because screw after screw the more pissed i got at everything.


Anyways don't regret this case because it looks BAD ASS!!!!!! I was debating placing my apple sticker on my case because i thought it may look stupid, but i tried it out. It looks like it came that way!! Anyways I am super excited, tested sound, just installed video... won't really know if the drivers worked untill I install logic. I am going to check the video card to see if the required setting are recognized, if not i'll be back to the questions. Internet works fine, router is 40 ft away but I didnt want wireless so I bought a 50 Ft cable for that. and the 22 inch monitor makes it that much more sweet.



well thanks for reading, if you go with the ud3p board its pretty easy, just research other peoples experience so if there problem happends to you, you know why.



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