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RTL8139D - Kernel Panic

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Hello, i got my Realtek 8139D card yesterday.. when i put it in pci i cant boot into osx... causes kernal panic.. when take out card it can boot... i get the error both on myzar iso 10.4.4/10.4.5 and JaS 10.4.6 iso


Amd64 3000+ , Chaintech Motherboard whith Via chipset.


My firefire works on PCI and osx recognize it its just when it recognize my NIC and try to load the driver it fails, Please help, very thanksfoul!



Here is the error:


Debugger called <panic>

Backtrace, Format - Fram : Return Adress (4 potential args on stack)

0xb64bd44 : 0x128aea (0x3b9dcc 0xb64bd68 0x130c94 0x0)

0xb64bd84 : 0x19c352 (0x3bf21c 0x0 0xe 0x3befd4)

0xb64be34 : 0x196c9b (0xb64be48 0xb64bea4 0x375989 0x48)

0xb64be40 : 0x375989 (0x48 0x10 0x10 0x10)

0xb64bea4 : 0x1b9d71ea (0x24fb400 0x23b2a00 0x5 0x2509980)

0xb64bec4 : 0x37ef8d (0x24fb400 0x23b2a00 0x1 0x1ff5e80)

0xb64bf44 : 0x37ebb9 (0x1ff5e80 0x23b2a40 0x0 0x3b16c9)

0xb64bf94 : 0x380302 (0x1ff5e80 0x8 0x8 0x23af0a0 0x0)

0xb64bfd4 : 0x196b69 (0x23af0a0 0x0 0x2122030 0x23b2a00) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies) :


dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily(1.5.0)@0x1f2b8000

dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(1.9)@0x1b90c000


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 8.4.1: Tue Jan 3 18:23:53 PST 2006: root:xnu-792.7.90.obj~1/RELEASE_I386

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Moderator, please remove this.. my problem solved... i booted from rd=disk command using dvd since i did not have darwin bootloader... now i finally have darwin bootloader and all my problems upon boot is gone :blink:


For all of u that have panics and problems... its probably cause u dont have darwin bootloader... it fix problems :D

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