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Well... I'm a total n00b in the hackint0sh world... Anyways, I've tried iPC OSX a while ago and I ended up with a grey screen and couldn't boot.


Anyways, I'd like to perform a triple boot on my new computer....


Here's what I have:


1 - Windows 7 and Ubuntu (NTFS and EXT3)

2 - Gonna install Hackint0sh

3 - USB Drive (NTFS) Seagate FreeAgent Extreme


Now for my specs:

Graphics Card: nVideo GeForce 6600 GT

Audio Driver: Realtek AC '97

Motherboard: ASUS A-8N SLI Deluxe

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3500+

RAM: 2 GB, 2 x 1 DDR


As for my optical drives:

I have an LG one, this is what it's recognized as: HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H55N ATA Device

Other is my Sony one: Sony DVD-ROM DDU1615 ATA Device


Two printers: Canon MultiPass C530 (works on BubbleJet-4300 Driver) and HP OfficeJet Pro L7700


That's about my hardware..... Any ideas?


If anything other information is needed, just tell me how to get it. My only question is about this kernel and boot manager thing? How exactly would I boot Ubuntu, Windows 7 and Leopard, like what do I have to do.... Can I still use GRUB? Seems the easiest to configure. I had to use F10 to boot last time


What should I use? Tutorial?

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