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Workaround for 10.4.5 boot & mouse problems on Thinkpad X60s


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I just managed to get 10.4.5 working on my Thinkpad X60s.


I had boot problems with the MaC.OsX.10.4.5.Universal.Install.DVD(INTEL_AMD_SSE3_SSE2).iso image; the installation ran fine, but upon reboot the partition was unbootable - setting the HFS partition active resulted in a "Missing operating system" message from the BIOS, the Darwin boot loader from the DVD didn't find the partition at all, and chain loading from the NT boot loader resulted in just going back to the NT boot menu again and again. The workaround was installing the GRUB boot loader on my NT partition and adding a GRUB menu entry for booting MacOS that looks like this:


rootnoverify (hd0,2)

chainloader +1



where (hd0,2) is the third partition on hard drive 0. This boots MacOS just fine. Take care to deactivate the internal security functions of the TPM chip on the laptop motherboard, otherwise you might get a "0192 Someone tampered with the system" error on installing GRUB.


The other issue was that the internal TrackPoint (IBM's version of a mouse) didn't work because of the usual PS/2 issues with the 10.4.5 ISO I was using. The solution was going into Terminal, then fixing the permissions on the PS/2 controller kernel extension by typing


cd /System/Library/Extensions

sudo find ApplePS2Controller.kext -type d -exec /bin/chmod 0755 {} \;

sudo find ApplePS2Controller.kext -type f -exec /bin/chmod 0644 {} \;


as indicated here in the forums.


The only issue I still have is that 10.4.5 doesn't detect that I'm running on battery. In System Profiler I can actually check the battery's remaining capacity, but it says "Running on battery: No". Is there a battery display app for MacOS that actually works on PC hardware?

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When the system wakes up after going to standby mode, the BIOS gives a "0192 Security error" message and locks up. I have to unplug the battery. Anyone else have this or similar effects on wakeup?

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I suspect that there the ACPI implementations in the IBM BIOS and in the x86 Apples aren't 100% compatible. Could be the reason for the strange battery and power status data in Apple's System Profiler, too.


I'll try installing into VMWare next and making use of the Dual Core CPU to get good virtualisation, but so far I can't seem to boot either 10.4.3 or 10.4.5 in VMWare Server without getting some error messages from VMWare.

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