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Proper 10.4.6 install working perfectly


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This method is a modified version of http://forum.osx86project.org/index.php?showtopic=14221 that ive customized to get the best optimisation of 10.4.6


Here ive included the first step of the 10.4.6 OSX installation with Quixos's method + mine to have a perfect 10.4.6 (even proper than 10.4.5 from Maxxuss!) : one for ATI+NV and another for GMA9XX


Instructions on Manually Updating to 10.4.6 from a working 10.4.4 or 10.4.5 Myzar DVD (needed)!!! or Myzar V3 10.4.6 patch for AMD users

---------------Semjaza Update--------------------

(Semjaza v1.2 intel works fine (don't try on AMD!), install ONLY the 1.2 package, after updating to 10.4.6, reboot twice if graphical tearing occurs, will add more info later, it's a moving target now people.)


A) Intel GMA900 QE CI friendly, mounting shares, Personal File Sharing, autologin, all CE/QI effect under widgets!



----------------GUIDE BEGINS HERE--------------------


obtain MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.pkg, Maxxuss Patch Solution v1.0 for 10.4.5, and Pacifist 2.0, from Charlessoft.com




install Pacifist 2.0 to your Applications folder




extract Maxxuss Patch Solution, then copy the Decrypted_Files folder, to the root "/" of your OS X installation.


navigate to the copied folder and open /Decrypted_Files/replace.sh with TextEdit.app




function platformCheck



IS8G1454=`grep 8G1454 $VERSFILE | wc -l`

if [ $IS8G1454 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your Mac OS X installation is not a 10.4.5 8G1454 build."





backspace to delete the highlighted text, then Save and quit TextEdit.




open Terminal.app, located in Applications/Utilities


type in the following...


mkdir /backups

cd /System/Library

cp -R Extensions /backups

cp -R SystemProfiler /backups

cd Frameworks

cp -R Kernel.framework /backups

cp -R OpenGL.framework /backups

cp /sbin/mount_smbfs /backups




mount MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.dmg

right click on the MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.pkg and "Open with" >> "Other", navigate to Pacifist 2.0 you've installed

in your Applications Folder.


Pacifist will open and a 15 second timer will run as it is unregistered. click on "Not Yet"


use Ctrl, to select EVERYTHING, ONE AT A TIME, EXCEPT---- mach_kernel ----

do not select them all at once using shift.

do not deselect anything.

if mach_kernel is accidently selected, shut down and restart Pacifist, and reselect


right click on selected blue highlighted files and "Install to Default Location"


click "Install" on the popup, leave the Administrative Priviliges box checked


type in your password to authenticate when required


two popups will come up, "Bundle Already Exists" and "File Already Exists",

check "Don't Ask Again..." for both,

click on "Update" for Bundles,

click on "Replace" for Files


after installation of files completes, Reboot.




at boot, hit F8 to access the prompt and type in the options, -x -s

hit enter


type in the following...


mount -uw /

cd backups

cp mount_smbfs /sbin

rm -R /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework

cp -R OpenGL.framework /System/Library/Frameworks

cp -R /backups/Extensions/IO*.* /System/Library/Extensions/

cp - R /backups/Extensions/AppleIntel*.* /System/Library/Extensions/

cp -R /backups/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext /System/Library/Extensions/

cp -R /backups/Extensions/System.kext /System/Library/Extensions/

rm -R /System/Library/SystemProfiler

cp -R SystemProfiler /System/Library

cd Kernel.framework/Versions/A/Resources

cp *.plist /System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Versions/A/Resources

rm /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer

ln -s /System/Library/CoreServices/AppleFileServer.app/Contents/MacOS/AppleFileServer /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer

cd /Decrypted_Files



shutdown -r now




as soon as you get into OS X, open Disk Utility from your Applications/Utilities folder and repair permissions on

your OS X installation, then open terminal and type...


update_prebinding -root / -force


(after prebinding ends, which might take a while, you will have access to the prompt again)

close terminal.



B)Nvidia and ATI QE/CI mounting shares, Personal File Sharing, autologin, all CE/QI effect under widgets!



----------------GUIDE BEGINS HERE--------------------


obtain MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.pkg, Maxxuss Patch Solution v1.0 for 10.4.5, and Pacifist 2.0, from Charlessoft.com




install Pacifist 2.0 to your Applications folder




extract Maxxuss Patch Solution, then copy the Decrypted_Files folder, to the root "/" of your OS X installation.


navigate to the copied folder and open /Decrypted_Files/replace.sh with TextEdit.app




function platformCheck



IS8G1454=`grep 8G1454 $VERSFILE | wc -l`

if [ $IS8G1454 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your Mac OS X installation is not a 10.4.5 8G1454 build."





backspace to delete the highlighted text, then Save and quit TextEdit.




open Terminal.app, located in Applications/Utilities


type in the following...


mkdir /backups

cd /System/Library

cp -R Extensions /backups

cp -R SystemProfiler /backups

cd Frameworks

cp -R Kernel.framework /backups

cp /sbin/mount_smbfs /backups




mount MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.dmg

right click on the MacOSXUpd10.4.6Intel.pkg and "Open with" >> "Other", navigate to Pacifist 2.0 you've installed

in your Applications Folder.


Pacifist will open and a 15 second timer will run as it is unregistered. click on "Not Yet"


use Ctrl, to select EVERYTHING, ONE AT A TIME, EXCEPT---- mach_kernel ----

do not select them all at once using shift.

do not deselect anything.

if mach_kernel is accidently selected, shut down and restart Pacifist, and reselect


right click on selected blue highlighted files and "Install to Default Location"


click "Install" on the popup, leave the Administrative Priviliges box checked


type in your password to authenticate when required


two popups will come up, "Bundle Already Exists" and "File Already Exists",

check "Don't Ask Again..." for both,

click on "Update" for Bundles,

click on "Replace" for Files


after installation of files completes, Reboot.




at boot, hit F8 to access the prompt and type in the options, -x -s

hit enter


type in the following...


mount -uw /

cd backups

cp mount_smbfs /sbin

cp -R /backups/Extensions/IO*.* /System/Library/Extensions/

cp -R /backups/Extensions/IPFirewall.kext /System/Library/Extensions/

cp -R /backups/Extensions/System.kext /System/Library/Extensions/

rm -R /System/Library/SystemProfiler

cp -R SystemProfiler /System/Library

cd Kernel.framework/Versions/A/Resources

cp *.plist /System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Versions/A/Resources

rm /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer

ln -s /System/Library/CoreServices/AppleFileServer.app/Contents/MacOS/AppleFileServer /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer

cd /Decrypted_Files



shutdown -r now




as soon as you get into OS X, open Disk Utility from your Applications/Utilities folder and repair permissions on

your OS X installation, then open terminal and type...


update_prebinding -root / -force


(after prebinding ends, which might take a while, you will have access to the prompt again)

close terminal.



Don't forget you can install the Semjaza 1.2 patch after my 10.4.6 update !

Edited by cyclonefr
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I've tried what you suggested, following EXACTLY each step you wrote, and after I rebooted I got a resolution of 1024x768. I tried everything I could imagine to make it work (restoring and reinstalling the previous kexts, modifying com.apple.boot.plist etc), with no success.


In the end I had to reinstall the 10.4.5 version from the DVD. :(

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which video card? cant be possible...what is ur problem 1024? im using ATI and at 1280

if it's the GMA i may have a solution dont worry :(

just restore System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext from 10.4.4 or 10.4.5 Myzar it must work ... tell me

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which video card? cant be possible...what is ur problem 1024? im using ATI and at 1280

if it's the GMA i may have a solution dont worry :(

just restore System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext from 10.4.4 or 10.4.5 Myzar it must work ... tell me


Cyclone... I've noticed you do this a lot: Just because it works on _your_ intel/ati doesn't mean it works on everyone's. There's a dozens if not hundreds of different video card and chipset variations that fall into those categories.


You really should not be saying things are confirmed to work just because they work for you -- these forums have enough misleading information already.

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Eh man u r wrong i didnt check for GMA900 sorry just forgot a line but the system was working just a f***ing resolution thing that's it...Won't crash any system just as Myzar patch crashed mine dont worry...


Edited: i have modified the guide to copy back the intelGMA915 kext and use them instead of the IntelGMA950 one. It should work now, Enjoy

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All went fine for me (ATi 9600), but one thing: I can't mount smb shares, even though I backed up my mount_smbfs file (correct permissions and all). I made a diff on the mount_smbfs that is installed and the mount_smbfs on the 10.4.6 and it told me they are different (even if they have exactly the same byte size), so I guess I have the 10.4.4/.5 mount_smbfs on my system.


Perms are ok and I prebound the system. Any idea of what went wrong?

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Bamboo so uve done "cp mount_smbfs /sbin" at the installation and u cannot connect to a PC under windows right? what version did u have before 10.4.4 or 10.4.5 Myzar? i advice u to copy back this mount_smbfs from sbin directory of ur 10.4.4 orig DVD and copy it into ur 10.4.6 i dont see why u would be the only having this bug.

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