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I have a few questions about the myzar update to 10.4.6. I didn't install my OSX using Myzar's DVD because I couldn't restore a kernel with SSE3 support under his 10.4.4 Basically i installed using maxxuss' 10.4.3 method. So my question is, if I apply the myzar patch, will I still have my SSE3 kernel support, and should i be wary of any other problems?

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I installed 10.4.5 from Myzar's DVD, then I started using a custom kernel(Base Patch+NX Patch & depatched AMD), when updating to 10.4.6, the system crashed. I had to switch back to Myzar's kernel. I think the problem is the AMD depatch, so if you are using a kernel without AMD patch, it's probably a little risky. This is just my opinion, hope it helps...

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As Far AS I know and as far as the posting in this forum says, the 10.4.5 myzar DVD supports sse3 just don't see it in the system profile it's a bug such as the wrong info about CPU.. I build a sse3 kernel and was displayed as sse3 in system profiler but I did not see any change.. As for the update it sould work just backup the kext's as the read me file says.. you could do a backup with Norton Ghost just to be sure :P

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