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Hi my fellow mac lovers,

I here by confirm that I have indeed successfully installed iAtkos 5i (Mac 10.5.5) on my HP Ze2000 laptop (512 MB Ram, 1.6 Pentium M processor)

I had so many hiccups with the installation and would like to share some of my encountered problems and tricks to you all who experience similar problems.


Here are some of my problems I experienced:




When you boot the installation CD you get a kernel panic saying

Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Sun Mar 2 00:11:00 SCT 2008; made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_I386

there is a wonderful post available @



Well I had this problem for Kalyway 10.5.2 which was my first try to get mac on my pc but nothing listed on the posts worked for me so I moved on to get iAtkos 5i



Even with iAtkos 5i I got kernel panic where installation starts with a mac logo and a small spinning animation and then you get a blue screen.


I figured the problem.


My problem was I didn't set my Harddrive to be bootable for Fat32 partition.

So what I did was I booted the system with a GPartedLive CD and make a partition of my HD as Fat32 and made it as a boot.


Now when I botted iAtkos 5i it went passed the blue panic screen.

To me it was a wonderful moment!

We all lived that moment :(


Well enough with celebration...

@ this point the mac install won't recognise any HD so make sure you select disk utility from the top menu and do a mac journal extended partition and it will be mounted. Now you can select this drive and install mac.


Also you have to select the right customisation for your system!


I was so excited @ that point I forgot to customise my settings before the install.


So that takes us to



Make sure you do a customisation selecting the right kernel, drivers, etc... to match your system.

If you are not sure well take a near educated guess like in my case since my laptop is not the fastest (1.6 ghz, 512 mb) I settled for old toh 9.0 kernel.


Then I encountered the next frustration problem:


The whole install went smoothly and then well the mac OS would boot and it will just restart a.k.a "infinite restart loop"

I wasn't giving up @ this point. Thanks to all you guys posting wonderful posts here.

So I kept going and experimented with different settings and finally got on to welcome screen.


The lovely mac intro song played and I was able to those initial settings and got onto Mac!


So to all you still trying well my piece of advice is keep trying you will get it eventually.

If you have no idea, well seek advice here!


I also take this oppourtunity to thanks all those wonderful soldiers who makes us happy by delivering these wonderful hackintosh.

Special thanks to iAtkos 5i!!!!!!


God bless :D

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