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Hello! I moved from my Halliway to iPC OSX86 10.5.6 as explaned in several topics here but after install, the reboot my computer stucks on Apple gray logo.

During the install I followed all procedures like do a fresh install but I'm not sure if I forgot something and/ or there are some advise in order to correct this problem.


From my side I really appreciate all efforts to help me. ;)

Best regards!



There are my configs:

Mobo: Asus P5GDC Deluxe

RAM: 2x 512Mb 667Mhz Kingston + 1x 1Gb 667Mhz Kingston

HDD: 250Gb SATA (OSX uses 1st partition with 20Gb allocated)

GPU: nVidia 8600GT 256Mb DDR3 1400Mhz

Processor: Pentium 4HT, 3.0Ghz, model 630

Model support: MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, Hyper-Threading, Intel 64, XD bit, SpeedStep (EIST).

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lanceomni2 thanks a lot for your quick reply.

Ive tried to identify googling in everywhere but no sucess on this...

I took some pictures from verbose mode but Im not sure about whats brings that problem.


I really appreciate your concern to help.


Best regards!


post-356590-1232136272_thumb.jpg post-356590-1232136293_thumb.jpg post-356590-1232136315_thumb.jpg

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Unfortunately not, how can I do it>?


You need to open Terminal and enter in Single Mode

sudo -s


then add this line after you finished to install the update, but don't click on "Restart"!!

nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1


and all you have to do is to go down until you find "Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext" and relace it with "dsmos.kext"

when you finished to do that, just use control + O to write out and then enter. and to exit it use Control + X.

could also select the voodoo kernel on install, it has the decrypting built into it


Unless you are using an early beta version of Voodoo you will need dsmos or AppleDecrypt. They removed built in decryption in September of last year.


Provided you can get your hands on dsmos.kext or AppleDecrypt.kext (Searh the forums) you can install it from a USB thumb drive in Single User Mode. Copy the kext to the root directory of your USB thumbdrive.


Mount a USB thumb drive in Single User Mode -s

Boot into Single User Mode without the USB thumb drive plugged in. You can do this by entering -s on start up.


1. Allow for the modification of files by typing:

/sbin/mount -uw /

2. Make a directory in /Volumes to mount your USB thumb drive to. We will call it "usbdrive" by typing:

mkdir /Volumes/usbdrive

3. Before we plug it in we need to take notice at what drives we see in /dev by typing (You might want to write them down):

ls /dev/disk*

4. Now plug in the usb thumb drive, wait a second then look for the new addition by typing:

ls /dev/disk*

5. Now lets mount it. Lets say you there are two new additions disk4 & disk4s1. Type the following (replace msdos with hfs depending on how the usb thumb drive is formatted. If you use it on a PC too then its most likely msdos):

mount -t msdos /dev/disk4s1 /Volumes/usbdrive


Then you can access your usb thumb drive at /Volumes/usbdrive


Copy kexts from your mounted USB thumb drive to your Extensions folder

Once you have the USB drive mounted you can move files around. For example you can do the following to install a kext stored on the USB thumb drive to your extensions folder. Assuming you followed the steps in the previous section.

1. Change directories to /System/Library This will shorten some of the commands we have to type in.

cd /System/Library

2. Make a backup copy of your kexts. First we will make a directory called "backup" in our root directory to store them. Open Terminal and type:

mkdir /backup

3. Copy your kexts to the new "backup" folder.

cp -r Extensions/ /backup/

4. Copy the kext from your USB thumb drive to the extensions folder (Replace dsmos.kext, if needed, with the name of the kext you want to install Assuming that the file on is in the root directory of the USB thumb drive).

cp /Volumes/usbdrive/dsmos.kext Extensions/dsmos.kext

5. Set the proper permissions for the extensions folder.

chmod -R 755 Extensions/

6. Set the proper ownership for the extensions folder.

chown -R root:wheel Extensions/

7. Touch the extensions folder

touch Extensions/

8. Remove the extensions cache to force OSX to rebuild it with our new kext.

rm -Rf Extensions.mkext

9. Reboot using the boot-flags -v -f

-v Verbose Mode displays useful information during the boot process.

-f Forces OSX to load kexts from the extensions folder instead of the cache file. We did delete the cache file so this is just a precaution.

Thanks a lot for all ppl that tried to help me.


Unfortunately I will not able to test once a time my HDD is now broken... ;) but in other hand thats a good idea to upgrade it so tomorrow morning I will get a new Seagate hard drive and if I suffer again surely I will let know.



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