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Welcome to InsanelyMac! :)


Please provide us with some specifications about your system (CPU, Motherboard, Graphics & Model Number if aplicable). Adding more specific information allows us to respond quickly with more precise answers. Chipset, LAN, Audio & If your Graphics are integrated or not, are excellent additions.


You can also place this information in your "Signature". It will then apear on every post you make. This can be done via My Controls: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...rCP&CODE=00

Please follow the rules described in this thread (Most importantly keeping your signature to no more than 5 lines of normal text: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...p;hl=signatures


* Reboot using the boot-flag -v and let us know where it hangs. This will put you in Verbose mode and display useful information during the boot process.

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