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I'm looking for a fix on my AA1's audio, which basically doesn't work properly.

I can have speakers/headphones connected at boot and it works, but if I unplug, it doesn't switch unless I reboot.

Also, the built in mic on the AA1 is extremely quiet and sometimes doesn't work at all?

Btw: I'm using Vanilla kerner and installed OSx86 via Kalyway, if it makes any difference...

If anyone has fixes for this, I'd really like you to share 'em.



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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i just tried this on my acer zg5 XxX 10.5.6 install which has never had working internal mic with any other kext. replaced the existing applehda.kext with the one above and restarted and now have adjustable gain, working mic and ichat works like a charm. brilliant! thanks a lot.

  • 1 month later...

I'm looking for a fix on my AA1's audio, which basically doesn't work properly.

I can have speakers/headphones connected at boot and it works, but if I unplug, it doesn't switch unless I reboot.

Also, the built in mic on the AA1 is extremely quiet and sometimes doesn't work at all?

Btw: I'm using Vanilla kerner and installed OSx86 via Kalyway, if it makes any difference...

If anyone has fixes for this, I'd really like you to share 'em.




The VoodooHDA kext works nicely, but you need to do a simple patch to make it work. You'll need XCode installed for this:


Step 1: grab the code (in a terminal type):

svn checkout http://voodoohda.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ voodoohda-read-only


Step 2: There is now a folder called voodoohda-read-only which contains the code. In there is a file

called Tables.c - open it in your favorite editor.


Step 3: In the code, find the lines containing the settings for the SOUND_MIXER_LINE, SOUND_MIXER_MIC, and SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV .. they are set to zero in the code .. set them to

non-zero. I use 75 for the line and mic settings, and 45 for the recording level. These settings work

well with my electric guitar fed directly to the input.. YMMV. Play with them if you need too, but

non-zero is key.


Step 4: compile the code: cd voodoohda-read-only ; ./helper.sh build


Step 5. The resulting kext is in voodoohda-read-only/build/Debug/ install it with KextHelper or however you like. Reboot.


I've attached my kext that is working on my AAO, running iDeneb 10.5.5 / vanilla.


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