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So, will Tiger work (and how can I install it) on rig, that has:


1.2 GHZ AMD Athlon CPU (SSE, 3DNOW, MMX)

20GB IDE hdd

IDE CD rom (no DVD :( )

Nvidia GeForce 4 MX 64mb

c-media 5200 5.1 sound card (cuz I can't find drivers for my integrated card)

MoBo: DFI Az30 TL


Itš a bit old (alright, It's history). I know, that I can make partition with Tiger's files and boot it, but the bigesst problems are:

1)Will it work on this CPU (it only has SSE, not SSE2, I'm not even dreaming about SSE3)

2)Will such low-end Graphics card be able to run it??


I really like Mac's, unfortunately, I can't afford a MAC.


Please help me.

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