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After installation of OSX86 10.5.5 on my computer everything seems to run fine (sound and graphics) now working, however my IDE DVD rom seems not to be detected by OS? What can I do?


Here my system specs:


Processor: Core 2 Quad Q9550

Motherboard: GA-EP45-DQ6

DVD Rom: DRW-2014S1(http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?modelmenu=2&model=2027&l1=6&l2=35&l3=0&l4=0)


Please help, if you have any ideas!




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The problem is most likely not with the drive itself, rather with the drive controller on your motherboard, it's not recognized and therefore any drives that are connected to it don't show up.


Look up the specs for your motherboard at Gigabyte's website to see what make and model IDE controller is on it.


Hmm..did you install the system using the same DVD drive?

Okay, if your DVD drive worked during installation then it is possible to get it to work again.


The information you posted about the IDE controller is useless.


You need to find the make and model of the IDE controller on your motherboard. Then use it as a search term here:

http://######.com/osx86search/ to find out what others with the same problem have done to fix it.

Thanks for the link to the search engine, that will help.


The SATA/IDE controller seems to be ICH10R on a P45 chipset. There seem to be also other people around, who don't get IDE running.


Anybody successful out there?


Thanks and regards, Frank

Curious, is your setup in BIOS listed as IDE or AHCI?


I am also quite surprised that Gigabyte did not list the PATA controller on the spec page: http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Mother...ame=GA-EP45-DQ6

Hmm, they just call it 'Gigabyte SATA 2 chip'.


Since ASUS uses a similar setup with the same Sil5723 controller on the P5Q-E, maybe his PATA controller is the same one as mine - Marvel 88SE6121.

The BIOS on my board doesn't have any separate settings for this controller other than on/off.

Everything else only applies to the ICH10R controller.


There's a modified AppleVIAATA.kext somewhere in the forums that work with the Marvell controller.


Edit - here it is:


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