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I've been having alot of trouble with this. I have the iATKOS 4a image mounted with dameon tools at drive letter F:, and vmware boots it, but it never gets to the installer. I have got the installer up once, but only after i added a crapload of boot flags (like -x -v -l -d -legacy).


But when the Install DOES come up, only the background loads and the :censored2: beach ball keeps spining. and the system does nothing else.



My Specs are in my sig,

and My Processor is an AMD Turion 64 x2






PS theres a screenshot.


Well, Got a little farther using the following Flags:

-v -x -a -t -k -o -l -f

Now, it gets to the installer and has a cool background but no actual installer. (Screenshot included)



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