redratfish Posted November 5, 2008 Share Posted November 5, 2008 most bricked laptops are from the dv5000 and dv8000 as simply editing the bios with your wifi id wont work it will brick your laptop. pheonix bios editor wont compress the bios correctly. this bios was tested. on a dv5000 with intel CPU. its the same bios for all the dv5000 and dv8000 with INTEL cpu make a dos bootable floppy disk, cd or usb pen drive then add PHLASH16.exe and this bios file to the disk boot in dos then type this command PHLASH16.EXE /MODE=3 /X /BBL thats what worked for me. i did not test with winphlash nore did i test flashing bios from windows. i did it in dos with boot floppy. use at your own risk if you brick your lappy dont ask me to fix it. am now sporting atheros card. no more 104 {censored} GO HERE TO GET FILES FOR MAKING BOOTABLE DOS FLOPPY, USB PEN DRIVE OR CD choose Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 you will also need to install this modified kext.( conpliments to Chun-nam, for his work on the kext) in order to get mini pci-e slot, cardbus, firewire and ethernet to all work. for leopard for tiger only also there has being success installing from windows go here for the post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
abstrakone Posted November 12, 2008 Share Posted November 12, 2008 You say DV8000 intels. I have one of these as well DV8320US running Bios F.24 will this work for me? I wanna be 110% sure just in case. -abstrakONE most bricked laptops are from the dv5000 or dv8000. as simply editing bios with you wifi id. wont work as it will bricked. pheonix bios editor. wont compress the bios correctly. this bios was tested. on a dv5000 with intel CPU. its the same bios for all the dv5000 and dv8000 with INTEL cpu make a dos bootable disk with add PHLASH16.exe and this bios file to the disk and type this command PHLASH16.EXE /MODE=3 /X /BBL thats what worked for me. i did not test with winphlash nore did i test flashing bios from windows. i did it in dos with boot floppy use at your own risk if you brick your lappy dont ask me to fix it. am now sporting atheros card. no more 104 {censored} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 12, 2008 Author Share Posted November 12, 2008 yes the dv5000 and dv8000 are the same, bios . to cut down on manufactory cost. hp design one motherboard for both version then adds extra connection ports. eg to fit a dv8000 board in the 5000 all i had to do was solder a new connecter for the power button and move the card reader bracket down. also the dv5000 do not come with 2 hardrive but the connecter is there. and can be mod. by just soldering a sata connecter. for safty its best to flash the bios from dos using the command above, go here and get the file to make bootable floppy or cd choose Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 there is the floppy and cd version there 1 make a boot able dos cd or floppy . even a usb stick 2 add the bios.wph file from here to the cd , floppy add phlash16.exe to the bootable cd of floppy. make sure the laptop bios settings is set to boot from floppy are cd before harddrive when it boots just type the command. it takes about a minute. then the laptop restarts by it self . and wah la . 104 error is gone i used a usb floppy FOR REFERENCE SECOND HARDDRIVE MOD FOR DV5000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 12, 2008 Author Share Posted November 12, 2008 You say DV8000 intels. I have one of these as well DV8320US running Bios F.24 will this work for me? I wanna be 110% sure just in case. -abstrakONE did you get your mini pci wifi, cardbus, ethernet,and firewire to work all at the same time ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 13, 2008 Share Posted November 13, 2008 Hello, I killed my DV8000t (intel based) motherboard, trying to do the Phoenix bios editor trick, but i did it before reading that it does not work with the phoenix editor, so, you managed to edit the firmware, wich method did you used to compile / compress the bios again?, I am asking cause I found this.... Sameh El-Gohary Nov 4, 2008 04:23:58 GMT Unassigned -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION EVERYONE PLEASE. Read Carefully, This is how things are really are. 1.Every phoenix bios supports tons of features that are either turned on/off depending on its version, oem requirements, model..etc. 2.There is a feature called "Bios Fail Recovery" in other words, the ability of the bios to be recovered using the phoenix recovery tool. 3.Certain Bios versions got this feature turned off. You'll never be able to recover ur bios. 4.How can we know? So simple, decompile the .wph bios image with Phoenix bios editor v.2.201 5.Under a tab called "Multiboot III" u may see (*) besides the string "Bios Fail Recovery" which means you are lucky. If it's absent, donâ€t bother urself trying. 6.I'm wondering why HP ships some of its notebooks with such feature turned off? It's there by default, so they ask Phoenix to deactivate it! I'm disappointed. 7.To prove what I've wrote, attached is a screenshot for a decompiled bios with such feature turned off _________________________ I recommend volunteering for testing every bios version on hp website. This way we can make a list of "lucky notebooks". As a start, I've tested all the Pavilion dv5000. unfortunately the donâ€t support bios recovery. Thanks for reading. I hope everything is clear now. Can you compile a version of your bios with the * BIOS FAIL recovery enabled, maybe that way I can recover my motherboard without desolder the chip, any suggestion? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 13, 2008 Author Share Posted November 13, 2008 yes the Phoenix bios for dv8000 has no recovery. the only way to fix it is by taking out the tsop bios chip then reprogram with a willem programmer. software to apply edit bios module back to the compress bios code is called phnxmod.exe phoenix editor will not compress your bios correctly. to compile the bios with the boot block recovery would take a loot of work. not really worth it. once you flash the bios from dos . with this hacked bios . you dont have to worry about bricking . also if you put the bios.wph file that you compile with phoenix in a hex editor and compare with the original . you will see that the compile version looks different the. even if you get a version with recovery enable it still wont work with the crisis recovery. your best bet would to order a preflash stt 39vf080 chip from this guy in the uk use a hot air paint stripper gun. to remove the old chip and solder the new one in. cheapest way out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 14, 2008 Share Posted November 14, 2008 I reached him two days ago but he is not programming TSOP, my idea is, I have a DVD Burner wich uses a MX tsop 40 chip, same type and size (8mbit) as the ST on the mobo, what do you think about the idea to flash the bios from HP into the DVD Burner and take out chip and solder into my dv8000?, maybe the original dvd burner will not allow this, but mtkflash will allow that on MSDOS, i have done that before, or I am even trying to use my old XBOX 1, version 1,wich uses same tsop 40 8mbit chip and flash it with raincoat (linux) and solder that chip into DV8000, what do you think??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 14, 2008 Author Share Posted November 14, 2008 i got a sst tsop off that guy about 2 months ago. he said he only had the lead type left and had loads. the lead type is the same its not rohs (some legislation about chips made with lead, is {censored} its just a way for the government to make money off there own friends parts and not buy from china . check google for both sst chips data sheet and see if the pin outs are the same eg. pin 1 = A16. if they are the same you could be in luck. but am guesing you would need some sort of software to flash your dvd drive. there are a few sortware to flash xbox360 drives . u could some reading about it next if you like you could take the chip out and post it to me in london uk. . and ill program it free of cost. the sst-39vf080 are no longer made and is hard to find. i found this one its the same pin outs as the 39vf080 but i dont know if its the same function i checked my old xbox . the chip in there is a plcc 32 pin . but may be i have the first lot of drives the tsop in the actual xbox pin out is different if the tsop in your drive is the same pin out. i think the dos flash program you are talking about would work . do you have xecuter chip for you old xbox? if so i remember reading that it could flash the chip from the xbox . but would only work if the tsop on the executer board is the same pin outs i just check the chip on the executer its hyunda hy29f080 but the pins are different Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 14, 2008 Author Share Posted November 14, 2008 I reached him two days ago but he is not programming TSOP, my idea is, I have a DVD Burner wich uses a MX tsop 40 chip, same type and size (8mbit) as the ST on the mobo, what do you think about the idea to flash the bios from HP into the DVD Burner and take out chip and solder into my dv8000?, maybe the original dvd burner will not allow this, but mtkflash will allow that on MSDOS, i have done that before, or I am even trying to use my old XBOX 1, version 1,wich uses same tsop 40 8mbit chip and flash it with raincoat (linux) and solder that chip into DV8000, what do you think??? yes i think it would work. but will linux pick up the drive when it has ho bios chip? am not sure how these flashing software works. or you could test the software . with hot plug let the software read the drive then disconnect the drive totaly, then re connect it , and see if the sofware can still read it. that way. you could set up every thing then. then desolder the dvd chip. pop the hp one in. and flash it. when you are taking the chip off the motherboard . just heat with hot air gun. and gently pull the chip up. with a tweezer. make sure its hot enough to melt the solder. (so it dont damage the pin trace on board when pulling it up) dont clean the solder off the. mother board as its hell to to put back the right amount. if you are going to use liquid flux. only wet the chip pins. with it dont wet the motherboard. as flux leave a chemical that can that can short the chip pins (the pins are so close ) when solding the chip back to the board. just align and solder pin 1 . them pin 40. you will need a magnify glass to check to make sure the pins are align with the board. then use your magnify and heat each pin per time. with soldering iron wile pressing the chip. i have messed up one board because i wet the motherboard with flux . which shorted the chip which killed the ene micro chip then killed board. the board also has a test point for the bios chip circled in the photo. which has 40 pins .( i think this is where they program the bios at manufacturing. after you solder the chip in you can use a multimeter from the test point to the chip pins and check to make sure the pins are soldered correctly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 15, 2008 Share Posted November 15, 2008 Thank you for your help man, even I was ready to do the job, then I read your messege when i was comparing the XBOX 1 pins with the Intel mobo, they are different, even I compared the MBM29F080A, HY29F080, M29F080A, AM29F080B, all 8mbit, but all with the same A19 on first pin, so the Xbox idea is abandoned, is possible to flash a plcc 32 8mbit with my dv8000 and solder one by one to the test point on the mobo with the corresponding point, I have skills for soldering, so no prob about that, then once it boot take off the plcc from the socket and flash again my bricked ST flash? my doub is, plc 32 is not same as tsop 40, what can i do with the missing 8? or should forget about that idea and ask for the british bios service? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 15, 2008 Author Share Posted November 15, 2008 Thank you for your help man, even I was ready to do the job, then I read your messege when i was comparing the XBOX 1 pins with the Intel mobo, they are different, even I compared the MBM29F080A, HY29F080, M29F080A, AM29F080B, all 8mbit, but all with the same A19 on first pin, so the Xbox idea is abandoned, is possible to flash a plcc 32 8mbit with my dv8000 and solder one by one to the test point on the mobo with the corresponding point, I have skills for soldering, so no prob about that, then once it boot take off the plcc from the socket and flash again my bricked ST flash? my doub is, plc 32 is not same as tsop 40, what can i do with the missing 8? or should forget about that idea and ask for the british bios service? i know what you are going though, as i went through the same horror i tried the a 32 plcc from a dv5000 AMD cpu (thats the bios chip the AMD version board uses) but it did'nt work for me. i dont know if it was because it had the AMD bios on the chip. and very time consuming if you could find some thing like this you could flash the xbox chip then configure the pins to the test points. your best bet is to get a pre flash chip. its a long shot in terms of wait for post. but its less hassle by the way where are you located? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 15, 2008 Share Posted November 15, 2008 I am located in Mazatlan, Mexico, and I have a bit experience about this cause I am a mod installer, I had sucessfully removed TSOP and installed again (swap with good ones) so, no big trouble about this, I found a ST exactly same as the Intel DV8000t intel, i found it on a Linksys PAP2 it uses an website, ftp and software based firmware updater, but it does not allow to flash the 1mb file for DV8000, so, I already asked the british guy for a replacement chip, waiting for answer yet... by the other side I found a Mobo on sale on ebay, its 150, I am not in haste really, but I want it alive soon , maybe the AMD bios boot failed because of different chipsets, but I can flash a PLCC 32 with my same original firmware cause i have that programmer, (used for xbox hack) but I have doubts about the missing legs, and as you said, it was a mess, I may try something easier..... preprogrammed bios - cheapest - or mobo replacement, please guys DONT follow the Phoenix bios edit as I did, I read it works but it wont, keep away from it, I am in deep s**t right now and it doesnt feel any good! Bios recovery does not work on DV8000 and DV5000, thank you for all the people who had help, i am very happy with all the support!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 15, 2008 Author Share Posted November 15, 2008 I found a ST exactly same as the Intel DV8000t intel, i found it on a Linksys PAP2 it uses an website, ftp and software based firmware updater, but it does not allow to flash the 1mb file for DV8000, did you try changing the.wph to .bin or what ever extension the linksys use? I can flash a PLCC 32 with my same original firmware cause i have that programmer, (used for xbox hack) but I have doubts about the missing legs, on the plcc only 2 pins are missing A18 and A19 all the others are there. you should give it a try. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 15, 2008 Share Posted November 15, 2008 I just bought directly the bios replacement from here I will wait around 15 days for delivery and then post results, I will try to shot pictures or a video. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a4c1000 Posted November 22, 2008 Share Posted November 22, 2008 TattooTroy, you are a genius. I've been looking for a long time for this. I first tried using a bootable CD (using UltraISO to open the Caldera image and adding the PHLASH and Bios files) but after booting I couldnt see the PHLASH or Bios files, so I used a USB floppy instead. Now working perfectly with an Intel 4965AGN card. For anyone else that finds this thread, my laptop is a DV8000T (actually DV83xx), dual core 1.86, 2gb RAM, GeForce 7600 1680x1050. My bios was version F.24 before the flash and shows as the same afterwards. Thanks again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoihtah Posted November 25, 2008 Share Posted November 25, 2008 I wish I had read this prior to bricking my dv8333cl. diablonet, please let us know how things are after you receive the bios chip. it sounds like that might be my best option at the moment. tattootroy, you mentioned about a willem programmer to reprogram these bricked bios chips. do you happen to know which model i'll need? I tried to do a search on ebay, and it looks like a whole bunch of them are coming up. if the programmer doesn't cost too much, i might just get one. any help here would be greatly appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 25, 2008 Author Share Posted November 25, 2008 I wish I had read this prior to bricking my dv8333cl. diablonet, please let us know how things are after you receive the bios chip. it sounds like that might be my best option at the moment. tattootroy, you mentioned about a willem programmer to reprogram these bricked bios chips. do you happen to know which model i'll need? I tried to do a search on ebay, and it looks like a whole bunch of them are coming up. if the programmer doesn't cost too much, i might just get one. any help here would be greatly appreciated. they are 2 main types of willen one is the true usb version thats faster and easyer to used thats what i have its also connects to the pc via usb , the seller is in canada. it took ages for postage to uk plus they write the correct price on the receipt so i end up paying import duty then you have the printer port version which is cheaper but works the same but you will need to have a printer port on your pc. this version would be your best choice as its cheaper . and if you buy form this guy you will will receive it in 3 days time. they also state on the receipt that its far cheaper than what you actually paid. so you end up paying no import duty to customs. choose fedx postage. and pay with paypal they are in thialand . i was amazed with his fast posting and there fedx post price is cheap. only thing they take ages to reply to emails. and i think there fedx only collect from them on saturdays. but you get it early monday morning (pretty sweet) here is what you will need 1 programmer 1 tsop 40 to 48 socket adaptor. they also have the board with out the socket for like $3.50 usd. but its better to spend $35usd for the socket as i could'nt get the chip to write with the $3.50 solder on version plus the socket version is faster (dont have to solder 40 pins each time flashing the chip. now this bit is important. make sure you state in the order message bit that you need the [ T05 ] TSOP 40A Base Adapter. as this is the board that works with the laptop chip. they made mistake and send me the 40B version so just state to them to make sure. here is there ebay shop but they dont have any tsop socket on there so just go through there website if you are planing to keep the programmer as it comes in handy in times like these. you should get this these adaptor. that works with other PC bios chips as its cheap and will cost less to buy now and save on postage and time this works with the new set of PC motherboards that are shipping with 8pin bios chips also you will see other cheaper willem programmer on ebay but they are chinese copies they all work the same but they dont have on board plcc sockets. and no support. but you can get one then buy the adaptors from sivava here is there forum for support Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diablonet Posted November 25, 2008 Share Posted November 25, 2008 Sure thing I will post ASAP when the replacement chip arrive, it should be here max on next week, It comes from UK and I live in Mexico, its the cheapest solution maybe, I just paid around 18 usd, including shipping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoihtah Posted November 25, 2008 Share Posted November 25, 2008 tatootroy : thanks for all that info. i'll definitely look into getting one. diablonet : thanks, i'll keep checking in to see what your status is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien2xx Posted November 26, 2008 Share Posted November 26, 2008 Hi, Quick question, I have a HP Pavilion dv5236om laptop with intel CPU, it comes the the 3945abg pci-mini wifi card and because there is no drivers for Leopard I cant use it. I got my hand on a DW1390 (broadcom BCM4311KFBG) mini-pci card and it fits perfectly, I did put it inside but at the time it boots I get the 104 error, Can I use this already moded bios to make it see it and be able to use it under OSX? or it needs to be moded some more with the vendor id (which I am not sure how to get this number since the laptop does not want to recognize it at boot ). Any suggestions? Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ericft Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 THis is absolutely awesome!!!!! tried it tonight for a broadcomm 4321 wireless N card and it worked flawlessly!!! this is what the forum is all to problems that plague some or all of us...thanks so much for the bios and instructions....hopefullly i know have draft N speed.... BTW my laptop HP DV5178US yippeee!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 27, 2008 Author Share Posted November 27, 2008 Hi, Quick question, I have a HP Pavilion dv5236om laptop with intel CPU, it comes the the 3945abg pci-mini wifi card and because there is no drivers for Leopard I cant use it. I got my hand on a DW1390 (broadcom BCM4311KFBG) mini-pci card and it fits perfectly, I did put it inside but at the time it boots I get the 104 error, Can I use this already moded bios to make it see it and be able to use it under OSX? or it needs to be moded some more with the vendor id (which I am not sure how to get this number since the laptop does not want to recognize it at boot ). Any suggestions? Thanks. hello with this patch bios you can use any brand mini pci card and you wont get the 104 error. but you will have to check the broadcom info plist. to see if your cards ID is in there. and add them. also you will need IOPCIFamily.kext. there is 2 one will make your mini slot works but kills cardbuss and so on. read my sig below this post. for them it doesn't matter what number comes after the DV5 or DV8 once your laptop is DV5000 or DV8000 and has intel cpu. this bios will work on them all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien2xx Posted November 27, 2008 Share Posted November 27, 2008 hello with this patch bios you can use any brand mini pci card and you wont get the 104 error. but you will have to check the broadcom info plist. to see if your cards ID is in there. and add them. also you will need IOPCIFamily.kext. there is 2 one will make your mini slot works but kills cardbuss and so on. read my sig below this post. for them it doesn't matter what number comes after the DV5 or DV8 once your laptop is DV5000 or DV8000 and has intel cpu. this bios will work on them all Thanks! it worked!!! no more error and it recognized by windows and can connect just fine... I have triple boot, Vista and Windows Server 2003 see the card and I can make it works just fine , but OSX does not want to see it at all, not even System profileler sees it, the Dev iD=4311 and ven id= 14e4, its already listed under /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext/Contents/Info.plist but not go... any suggestion on this? I am running iDeneb 1.3 (10.5.5).... Again, thanks so much.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redratfish Posted November 28, 2008 Author Share Posted November 28, 2008 you will need IOpcifamily.kext from chung nam . read my sig. the links are there for them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alien2xx Posted November 28, 2008 Share Posted November 28, 2008 you will need IOpcifamily.kext from chung nam . read my sig. the links are there for them Hi, Thanks for the kext, yours did not work for me but I tried another one I found (attached) and it let me have the firewire, ethernet, sound, pcimcia card working, not sure if the pcmcia express works since I dont have anything to use with it. I had to reboot twice after installing this kext. Everything seems to be working just fine. Thanks alot for your help on this.. alien2xx Here is the dmesg that shows the boot sequence: new-host-2:~ $ sudo dmesg components; use only one style. Extension "" has immediate dependencies on both and components; use only one style. Starting AppleACPIPS2Nub Found mouse PNP device AppleACPIPS2Nub startup complete Extension "" has immediate dependencies on both and components; use only one style. mbinit: done Security auditing service present BSM auditing present PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=18 yenta=1) From path: "uuid", Waiting for boot volume with UUID E67A8586-AAD6-3341-9F4E-8B0D4C4B1B71 Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict> AppleIntelPIIXPATA: Secondary PCI IDE channel is disabled USBF: 1.388 Attempting to get EHCI Controller from BIOS USBF: 1.398 USBLEGCTLSTS value c0080000 USBF: 1.407 Found USBLEGSUP_ID - value 0x1010001 - writing OSOwned IOPCCard info: Mac OS X PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.22 IOPCCard info: options: [pci] [cardbus] [pnp] IOPCCard info: Intel PCIC probe: IOPCCard info: TI XX12 rev 00 PCI-to-CardBus phys mem 0x80104000 virt mem 0x34e30000 IOPCCard info: host opts [0]: [pci + serial irq] [pci irq 18] [lat 64/4] [bus 4/4] IOPCCard info: PCI card interrupts, PCI status changes USBF: 1.706 EHCI - Ownership conflict - attempting hard reset ... USBF: 1.716 EHCI - Force BIOS Ownership to 0 USBF: 1.724 acquireOSOwnership done - value 0x1000001 FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 803a built-in now active, GUID 663f020002284184; max speed s400. Extension "" has no explicit kernel dependency; using version 6.0. Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/USB7@1D,7/AppleUSBEHCI/USB TO IDE@fd400000/IOUSBInterface@0/IOUSBMassStorageClass/IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub/IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00/IOBlockStorageServices/IOBlockStorageDriver/IC25N030 ATCS04-0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2 BSD root: disk1s2, major 14, minor 5 Jettisoning kernel linker. Resetting IOCatalogue. GFX0: family specific matching fails display: family specific matching fails Matching service count = 1 Matching service count = 3 Matching service count = 3 Matching service count = 3 Matching service count = 3 Matching service count = 3 display: family specific matching fails display: family specific matching fails BTCoexistence feature not supported! wl0: Broadcom BCM4311 802.11 Wireless Controller GFX0: family specific matching fails ApplePS2Trackpad: Synaptics TouchPad v6.2 GFX0: family specific matching failsdisplay: family specific matching fails GFX0: family specific matching fails GFX0: family specific matching fails Alkor: Starting. Chosen model GMA 950 Alkor: Setting built-in=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL,HasPanel=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL,SelfRefreshSupported=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL,NumFramebuffers=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL,NumDisplays=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL01,Depth=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL01,Pipe=<data not shown> Alkor: Setting AAPL01,DataJustify=<data not shown> dsmos: Initializing... dsmos: Hook and decryption contexts set! dsmos: Starting... Intel82557: Ethernet address 00:16::0d:25:9c AirPort_Brcm43xx: Ethernet address 00:1a::4b:e1:51 AirPort: Link Down on en1 display: Not usable MAC AUTH succeeded AirPort: Link Up on en1 IOPCCard info: cs: cb_alloc(bus 4): vendor 0x1033, device 0x0035 IOPCCard info: cs: cb_alloc(bus 4): found 3 functions IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 0 to card services. IOPCCard info: cs: cb_config(bus 4) IOPCCard info: fn 0 bar 1: mem 0x80002000-0x80002fff IOPCCard info: fn 1 bar 1: mem 0x80001000-0x80001fff IOPCCard info: fn 2 bar 1: mem 0x80000000-0x800000ff IOPCCard info: irq 18 IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 1 to card services. IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 2 to card services. USBF: 378.338 Attempting to get EHCI Controller from BIOS new-host-2:~ $ P.S. it seems to be making the laptop a bit slower than normal... but works ok, hopefully they can get a newer version out soon.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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