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Hello, I'am new in OSx86.


 I would like to try Mac on my PC.


 But I do not know what version I use.


 I read about iDeneb, iATKOS, Kalyway but I do not know what is good for my hardware.


My HW is : Motherboard - ASUS P5Q PRO, CPU - Intel Core 2 Quad 3GHz, 4GB RAM, GPU - Asus EN9800GTX+


I really unfamiliar with the issues OSx86.


Many thanks for answering.

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I like iAtkos... well if your looking at it from someone who has never used osx86. It uses a lot of universal drivers such as voodooHDA and a lot of universal GPU drivers to get most hardware working. However if you can get the specifics working and by this I mean being able to use kexts to get your exact hardware working and not using the universal driver, then I would try a retail install using boot-132 and a retail mac os x dvd.


your hardware is compatible with most (if not all) versions of mac os x leopard.


The choice is urs.


less headache=iAtkos

more stability= retail install


you could also do some research on the forums and see what has worked for other people.



hope this help




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