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the Kalyway installed and everything worked out ... the first boot took about 20 minutes .... and appeared a blue screen ... restart and tried another boot using just the command-v ... took another 20 minutes and appeared to into video Leopard .. I did the full register and appeared gray screen and my system was stopped .. but the mouse worked ... reboot again and black screen .. what do I need?


my system:


AMD ATLHON X2 64bits 4200

nvidia 8500gt




sorry for my englsh is so poor...i am Brazilian..thks

I would suggest a fresh install and use as few drivers and patches as possible. That way if it fails to get into leo you can try again and select more options for what might be missing. Your board is an nforce so make sure you use the nforce kernel and the nforce chipset kext. Try the netkas applesmbios and your gfx kext to start with and pacifist from the thirds apps section. See how that goes. If it gets you into leo you can use pacifict to get any other kext you need from the install dvd.

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