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I have recently successfull installed the Ideneb v1.3 (10.5.5) installation on a Dell Dimension 3000 with a Pentium 2.8Ghz unit. I was not able to use the Vanilla Kernel but the Stage XNU 9.4 worked. Everything seems to be working OK except for the Screensaver and Power Management. I am interested in hearing about anyone elses experience with this unit.

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  • 6 months later...
I have recently successfull installed the Ideneb v1.3 (10.5.5) installation on a Dell Dimension 3000 with a Pentium 2.8Ghz unit. I was not able to use the Vanilla Kernel but the Stage XNU 9.4 worked. Everything seems to be working OK except for the Screensaver and Power Management. I am interested in hearing about anyone elses experience with this unit.



I have a dell dimension with the same specs (2.80 GHz Intel Pentium 4) and I would like to know how you customized the install


I have iDeneb v 1.3 [10.5.5] and it keeps on saying ' please turn off your computer' before the progress bar even comes close to a quarter done. I think the cause was what I was picking in 'customize' ;)


Could you please help me?


Thanks :D

  • 3 months later...
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