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Hey guys.


I'm looking for a soundcard to put in my Hackintosh. I'm recording with GarageBand, Logic, and ProTools, and need a simple card with at least two 1/4" inputs, and two XLR or 1/4" outputs. Here's the hardware I'm using:


Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L

Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz

Nvidia 7600GS PCI-E

4GB of RAM

Seagate Barracude 7200RPM 320GB HD


Antec Sonata III Case


Can you recommend me a good card?

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320gigs for recording? <_<

I do alot of recording and use a lot space. If your serious in audio production, upgrade your HD.

But uhh... idk about the sound card thing. Im trying to find a good one myself. Good luck.


Yeah. I do need to upgrade it. I just built this machine and am starting fresh though. I have enough space right now and will upgrade as I go.

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