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Hi folks!


Today I decided to install the iDeneb v1.3 after I got a nice impression of iAktos v4 (Leopard 10.5.4). Within this installation of MacOS X I got my Marvel Yukon 88E8055 to run within seconds but with the (in my opinion mostly) better and newer version of the OS I remember how stupid I seem to be.


So, I tried to get the LAN run the same way as I did w/ the iAktos install. The main problem seems to be, that within the IONetworkingfamily.kext there is no AppleYukon2.kext but one w/o the "2". And the second difference is the Info.plist. And at that point I at the end of my ideas and knowledge so I need your help to get it work.


My AppleYukon2.kext is now the same as it was in 10.5.4 and I already tried to:

a.) use theirs Info.plist copied into the .../IONetw...ly.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleYukon.kext

b.) copy the whole Info.plist-edited AppleYukon2.kext to .../IONetw...ly.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ and rename it to AppleYukon.kext


In everyway I tried I did NOT forget to delete the Extensions.mkext and reset the rights of all edited structures to root:wheel.


I also tried to find an already discussed/working solution for this kind of problem, but without any success.


Please help me!


Never the less, the iDeneb version got my Nvidia 8600gs w/ 512MB to run oob with the "NVinject 0.2.1 512MB" selected at setup. iAktos didn't. And that was a bit more work than the etheret as I knew until know ;P


thanks in advance

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Problem solved in a totaly different way...


I installed Ubuntu 8.04.1. On it a VM-Hostsystem called xen, such as explained here: Ubuntu Xen Server .


On this dom0-machine i can now install any OS as you know it from programs such as VM-Ware, Virtual-Box and so on and let them run with controlled acces to the hardware.


So I'm able to have iwi4965 connected to an AP by the host and make it available to any of the OS's i have loaded in this kind of VM (also OS X) and also have full access of a Windoze VM to the GPU as long as I want it or desire to share the GPU-performance to another loaded OS such as OS X.


What I want to say is:

I can handle the full hardware in every loaded VM as it is a nativ loaded host-System on my computer without the normal performance loss.


A friend of mine told me about xen and VT-technology (as Intel calls it) and I spend the whole night to get it run, but now I'm totaly glad to have spend that time on it!


VT is a very intersting and POWERFUL option to use VM with full hardware access on every loaded machine! - so give it a try!!!


thats what wikipedia says about xen (and VT)

original hp of the xen-project (old kernel)

xen- "demo"

HowTo, as already mentioned above ,but with a newer kernel than the nativ 2.6.18 unix-kernel


good bye

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