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hey every1, first off absolutly brilliant work running this forum! hackintosh haha great stuff!

rite my problem is i cant find either of my hdd as an option for installing leopard on, the hdd's i have is 2 750 seagate raptors and the system is a intel 5400 dual proc board with 2 x xeon 5410's an 2g of kingston fb dimm (wanted more but my student loan fund ran out lol) really want to run os x on this system! It's gunna be used as a daw (digital audio work station) runnin pro tools (yea baby :P) if anybody could help me out would be brill

many thanks


ps did numourus searches an couldn't find any info on this issue (if this is me bein a "noob" lol will someone post a link to a topic on this :(

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