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Help Please. Simple dual boot OSX XP on 2 HD

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I've finally succesfully installed OSX on my PC!!! I'm very happy, everything works!!

I've used iDeneb 1.3 | OSX 10.5.5, it was easier than installing XP!!


Now I don't want to stop using my XP 'cause I need 3Dsmax for work.

So I need to dual-boot OSX and XP, here is what I have:


-XP on 400gb Sata HD

-OSX on 500gb Sata HD


both OS are working, but when I want to use one OS I unplugged the other HD from the PC, and viceversa.

I've tried Acronis OS Selector in the past and it {censored}ed my XP and lost all the data, so I want a simple yet secure method to do this.

So please if anyone can give me an advice on this, I'll be very thankfull. :)

I've read some on the forum about chain0 method but i don't undersand what it is.





e8400 core2duo



8800GT 512Mb

OSX on sata HD

XP on other sata HD

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i`m also trying the same thing, right now i have 2x 500gb sata in raid-1 with vista, and 1x 160gb sata drive where osx should be.


i`ve already installed succsessfully iDeneb 10.5.4 on the 160gb sata drive, but with unplugged vista drives. in bios i changed to ahci mode instead of raid mode to boot on leopard. then i unplugged the osx drive and plugged in the vista drives and changed back to raid mode to boot on vista :) (Asus p5b-e mobo, E6600, 2GB, cheap Ati X300, 2x 500gb sata, 1x160gb sata)

i also don`t want to use tools like acronis os selector, because of reasons amigaosx explained already.


i will try and let`s see!




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If you are using two seperrate harddrives, why not just use the boot selector in your BIOS?


ASUS uses F8 and the gives a selection of HDDs to boot from. You should also be able to select which drive is the default in your BIOS!



If you load your Raid controller kext for your machine in Leopard the you don't have to switch in the bios to AHCI?

Do you know what the Device Id is of your AHCI controller in MacOSX?



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i`ve also seen the f8 method right now, never used it! damn cable guy i am :D

but in my configuration (vista on raid 1) i also have to change when to boot on hackosx in bios from raid to ahci. but i`m happy with this right now, because this leopard is just for testing and playing around!

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That's better that messing with the cables!

You have a more complex config than me, I don't need to put the HD on AHCI mode, just change the bootable drive.

I've installed Leopard so I can test Final Cut Pro, downloading right now!


So far no problems, only that booting thing.



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