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Hi All,


I am new to mac os x platform. I have to use it to develop iPhone application. I downloaded Kalyway 10.5.2 from torrent and installed it without any problem. but iPhone SDK needs at least 10.5.4 so I downloaded 10.5.5 Combo update from apple.com. I followed the instruction from http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=128323 and installed the update.


Now the following happened:

1. I could not log in my MAC OS X in NORMAL MODE.

2. I could see the log in dialog in SAFE MODE. But Keyboard does not work. I had applied password to my account so I could not enter my Desktop.

3. I used Kalyway Setup Disk to restore/clean the password. Next I could not use keyboard. So installed ACPIPS2Numb. and its working now.



So all I can do now is to log in SAFE MODE. Can any expert tell me how can I restore my normal login. My MAC says that It is version 10.5.5 :D.

Pretty hard to answer as you have not posted any detail of your machine.


By booting on safe mode only, this means you have some sort of incompatible driver being loaded, which prevents regular Leopard load. So by posting all your details we can surely try to help ya.


However, if I was to make a bet on what is wrong, I would place my coins on your video drivers. But again, to be sure on what and where to look at, post hardware details.

Pretty hard to answer as you have not posted any detail of your machine.


By booting on safe mode only, this means you have some sort of incompatible driver being loaded, which prevents regular Leopard load. So by posting all your details we can surely try to help ya.


However, if I was to make a bet on what is wrong, I would place my coins on your video drivers. But again, to be sure on what and where to look at, post hardware details.


Ohh... I just forgot to share my configuration.


My Configuration:


Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz

Intel DG 33 FB Motherboard

1 GB DDR2 RAM 800 MHz

NVidia 7300 512MB PCIx Graphics Card

1 160GB SATA (WinXP) + 1 160GB IDE (MacOS)



I solved my keyboard problem but Still have to use Safe Login. Please Help.




hi madsud here is the bestway to do this go to this site http://www.freewebtown.com/mysticus/index2222222.html

download the pre update and the post update first reinstall r kayway 10.5.2 then run the pre update don`t restart r pc till the very end of all installs then install 10.5.5 combo udate dont restart then run the post update make sure to check the custun options for r audio if u dont see yours and u have it working in 10.5.2 make sure u check revert audio so it keeps your audio that was working then install after that restart your system hope this works for u good luck ps if u r unable to get these update pm me ill try to get them to u great work by mysticus C

hi madsud here is the bestway to do this go to this site http://www.freewebtown.com/mysticus/index2222222.html

download the pre update and the post update first reinstall r kayway 10.5.2 then run the pre update don`t restart r pc till the very end of all installs then install 10.5.5 combo udate dont restart then run the post update make sure to check the custun options for r audio if u dont see yours and u have it working in 10.5.2 make sure u check revert audio so it keeps your audio that was working then install after that restart your system hope this works for u good luck ps if u r unable to get these update pm me ill try to get them to u great work by mysticus C


I will try this out today. I will post again with the results. Thanks for the link.

hi madsud here is the bestway to do this go to this site http://www.freewebtown.com/mysticus/index2222222.html

download the pre update and the post update first reinstall r kayway 10.5.2 then run the pre update don`t restart r pc till the very end of all installs then install 10.5.5 combo udate dont restart then run the post update make sure to check the custun options for r audio if u dont see yours and u have it working in 10.5.2 make sure u check revert audio so it keeps your audio that was working then install after that restart your system hope this works for u good luck ps if u r unable to get these update pm me ill try to get them to u great work by mysticus C



I've done 10.5.2 (Kaly) updates to 10.5.3 (Kaly Combo Upd) but theres no go.

Display goes blank and I'm nowhere.


Will this 10.5.5 update works on my Kalyway 10.5.2?

(It sounds that Core Duo doesn't go further than 10.5.2).


My specs :

Dell Inspiron 6400 Core Duo

GMA 950

1.5 GB DDR2 533

160Gb Hdd (Leopard / Vista / XP-MCE & FAT32)

Take a look at this thread. It's got all the information you need :huh:




Core Duo --> will it WORK ?


Hell, I tried many things :

- from Apple2pc,

- Mysticus C's PrePatch + Combo Upd + Post Patch

- "while sleep ; do ......"


SCREEN GOES BLANK after a short blue at every restart, I can't figure out what's happening..


In my C2Q6600 8500GT 2Gb RAM 3 Hdd = iDeneb 10.5.4 WORKS, and

Acer T180 42 Acer AMD 4200+ 7300GT 2 Hdd 2Gb RAM = IT WORKS


This CORE DUO = ONLY GOOD at 10.5.2, more than that it REBOOTS blank screen above.

Core Duo --> will it WORK ?


Hell, I tried many things :

- from Apple2pc,

- Mysticus C's PrePatch + Combo Upd + Post Patch

- "while sleep ; do ......"


SCREEN GOES BLANK after a short blue at every restart, I can't figure out what's happening..


In my C2Q6600 8500GT 2Gb RAM 3 Hdd = iDeneb 10.5.4 WORKS, and

Acer T180 42 Acer AMD 4200+ 7300GT 2 Hdd 2Gb RAM = IT WORKS


This CORE DUO = ONLY GOOD at 10.5.2, more than that it REBOOTS blank screen above.


I do not know if it will work for Core Duo, but it did work for my core 2 duo. I followed the steps. And also installed iPhone SDK. No problem whatsoever.

I do not know if it will work for Core Duo, but it did work for my core 2 duo. I followed the steps. And also installed iPhone SDK. No problem whatsoever.


Dear Maksud,

Thank you.biggrin.gif


Yea, I cool myself off and redo the installation to Dell 6400 Core Duo with Kaly 10.5.2.

Last is to Post patch into StageXNU 9.4.0 and it --------------------------> WORKS !!hysterical.gif

I reported to MysticusC yesterday and he recommended that cpus=1 not to be used anymore with above kernel.


Tried this morning but sampling of DivX clips playback stuttered,unsure.gif and reverted to cpus=1 - the divx run smooth again BUT one thing --> theres no sign of mouse tearing while both core running.tongue.gif



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