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Hey der guys. i need some guidance installing leopard 10.5.2.

I tried to install Tiger 10.4.8 earlier but after installation ma pc halts at the apple logo n den tells me to restart ma pc.

i tried deleting the graphics drivers using -s flag but it gave me an error of an illegal operation n didnt delete it.


Now i got a copy of Leopard 10.5.2

i tried installing it but the installation gives me an error just before 100% completion of the installation.

Can u guys guide n tell me wat options do i choose in customize just before starting the installation.

I chose graphics drivers n some oder drivers.


My pc configuration is as follows.


AMD X2 3600+ 1.9 GHz dual core processor

ASUS M2N8-VMX motherboard.

1 GB 667 MHz ram

250 gb Western Digital HDD

80 GB Maxtor HDD

NVIDIA GEForce 8600 GT 512 MB graphics card



Also can u gus tel me if its possible to install OS X on a SATA HDD??


If m using a wrong copy of OS X can u guys tell me which version will suit best for my pc ;) .


Thanks in advance

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