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I recently downloaded a image of Leopard 10.5.4 Retail, when I mount the image all appears good, when I decide to burn the image with a DVD-DL on my Intel Mac, I receive the following message:


Anyone ever have this happen, and is there a way to correct it so the image will burn??


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Yes, I have burned other files on a standard DVD, but, seem to get this error with the Dl's, what also it odd, yesterday after several unsuccessful try's, I noticed my system was running out of space, so I decided to transfer all the excess files I had on my download folder to a external drive, I also did a repair of my permissions, after doing this, I finally burned a Dl.

Thinking I had fixed the problem, the next day, I decided to burn the file once again with another DL, again I got the same message ???



Talk about hitting the nail on the head!, Memorex is what I have been trying to burn, it seems every where I go, all I can find on the store shelves are Memorex Brands, I guess it's time to visit ebay, can you recommend a good DVD DL to purchase ??

Thanks for the reply, I guess I will be writing Memorex a Sh*t Head letter about my unhappiness with their DVD DL's I have sitting on the shelf gathering dust, maybe I can try flinging a couple of them to their Management personal, that's the only thing the seem to be good for....

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