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Hi guys,


since I've got my Mac Pro I'm very with that, but - I have 2x 22" Displays and there are 2x 19" TFT unused. I've a GeForce 7600GS (passive) and I would love to flash it for my Mac Pro. I've a PC @home, so it's no problem to flash it, but I'm unsure how to do it and where to get the sources.


Maybe this works: Flash Tool: http://themacelite.wikidot.com/nvflash-basics

And the "GT" (it's a GS card!): http://campahunta.free.fr/Downloads/ROMs/7...MAC_EFI.rom.zip


Anyone has tried it or knows a source for the 7600GS?


Thanks in advance!!!



Hey guys,


so... here's the solution if you had successfully killed your OS X on your "real" Mac :unsure:


Boot with pressed Command + S keys to the Single User Mode.

Type /sbin/mount -uw /

Type cd /System/Library/Extensions


Remove the folder you used to mess up your sys. In my case it was nvinject.kext.


Type rm -rf NVinkject.kext

Type reboot and you should be able to login into your regular sys again ;)



Meanwhile - with still no luck getting the PC card working, I looked around for a cheap "Mac Pro" Ready graphiccard. There is a not that expensive GeForce 7300 GT, available for aroun 100 Euro. BUT - because I own a 2008 Mac Pro, it won't work. (Hey Apple - what kind of {censored} is that?!)


So... after all, I would appreciate if someone has a GeForce 7600 GS 256MB ROM file. I think the card is a "colorware" or something similar to this name...




Old guy scratches head...............


The way I see it you have two choices:

1) you buy a card specifically to flash for your Mac (the EXACT card matching the .rom files available).

2) you follow the directions:


and after a LOT of trial and error (and learning, we must not forget the learning process) you end up with a working card.


Yes it sucks.

Hi guys,


thanks for your replies.


Meanwhile I've found the detailed information of my card, shown here.


@reveen: I already started with this, but in the end I dunno where to get all these information :) (Option 2) To buy a new card.. well - if I would really buy a new card, I would directly get a GeForce 8800GT (like my 1st slot's one) from Apple. But in my mind it's damn too expensive.

I already started with this, but in the end I dunno where to get all these information


On a PC, you "dump" the original card's bios to the desktop (retaining a safe copy on the floppy you used for flashing), you would follow the instructions to turn it into a Mac bios. What I did was use a card there already a Mac bios for (FX5200) then I compared the two (the original PC bios, and the Mac bios, to see the areas they were talking about. Once I saw the differences, (and the stuff that was the same), and with the instructions, I felt confident I could "make" a Mac bios. At that point I ran out of time, and simply broke down, buying a supported card. It is possible, and I might get back to it this winter (snow seems to come in 2 foot amounts where I live), but when the weather is nice it is best to take advantage of it.

Hi BlackCH,


ok - so finally I give up with the GeForce 7600GS I already own. I will buy a 7600GT. I searched on eBay and tried to get information about the ROM size, but I can't find it anywhere :/


What I've found:

Installed Memory: 256 MB

Memory-Tech: GDDR3 SDRAM

Memory bandwidth: 128 Bit


This is a 7600GT "Point of View" - on the manufactures site I can't find more information. Do you have a hint for a good card? (Or another one which is 100% working and where ROMs exist for :D)






Found a GeForce 8800GT with G92 Chip and 512MB RAM - and a tutorial for this on [url="http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=434092&page=18[/url] :D So... I will do it! :)

Hi BlackCH,


ok - so finally I give up with the GeForce 7600GS I already own. I will buy a 7600GT. I searched on eBay and tried to get information about the ROM size, but I can't find it anywhere :/


What I've found:

Installed Memory: 256 MB

Memory-Tech: GDDR3 SDRAM

Memory bandwidth: 128 Bit


This is a 7600GT "Point of View" - on the manufactures site I can't find more information. Do you have a hint for a good card? (Or another one which is 100% working and where ROMs exist for :()




Found a GeForce 8800GT with G92 Chip and 512MB RAM - and a tutorial for this on http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=91755 :( So... I will do it! :(


Is almost impossible to know the size of the rom chip until you have the card in your hands. That info doesnt comes on the regular hardware specs. Also there's no much information about how to reduce an EFI rom (which will be different than an old PPC rom I guess)... So is kind of a lotery, you see. You only can win if you gamble

BTW I dont thing that method with the 8800GT will work on a real mac either. That is meant for a hackintosh and AFAIK efi strings are no good on Macs.... You wont be able to boot as your mac wont be able to 'see' the card ('cos it has a PC rom)

Yes you're right but I searched and found this http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php...092&page=18


So hopefully I can put my Mac card (8800GT, too) into my PC, get a backup of the ROM, put the new card in, backup & falsh the mac card's ROM and it works. As I said: Hopefully :(


Do you have a hint how to get this information (ROM-size) in OS X?

Looks good. A way to know the size of the eprom basically is doing a rom dump and see how big is the file you get.... I guess you will need a PC to do the dump/re-flash...

but by reading on the link seem there are good chances for this to work... Good luck!

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