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Hey so I want to make a backup I was on kalyway 10.5.2 combo update to 10.5.3 and software update to 10.5.4 now I want to update to 10.5.5 but if it makes my system crash can I use a backup to restore using super duper. I am making a sparse image atm how would I restore if necessary.

I don't know if it can be done with a image file without having a solution like Arconis.


This is how I do it. I have 2 internal SATA drives with one partition each (both are GUID not MBR and most important I don't have any other OS apart from OS X on those drives):


1. Step, reformat the target drive via "disk utility". Select the partition on your backup drive and click the erease button. (Super Duper does it aswell, but it only takes a few seconds anyway)

2. Start SuperDuper and select the source and target disk (for example Copy "Macintosh" to "Backup" using "Backup - all files")

3. Click on "copy now" (in case it aborts with an error like "GetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35" check below how to fix it)

4. Close SuperDuper when you are done.

5. Install Chamelon Bootloader on your backup hardrive (again, I use GUID. I don't know if it works on a MBR disk). Simply start the Chameleon installer and make sure to select your backup hard drive as installation location.

6. Shutdown OS X and boot from your backup to see, whether it works for you or not. My Motherboard allows me to select a boot drive by pressing F12 during startup without having to change the boot order inside the BIOS. Depending on your MoBo and BIOS this function might not be available.

7. Enjoy.


How to restore the backup? Basicly the same way you created the backup :):

1. Step, reformat the target drive via "disk utility". Select your "ruined" Macintosh drive and click the erease button. (Super Duper does it aswell, but it only takes a few seconds anyway)

2. Start SuperDuper and select the source and target disk (for example Copy "Backup" to "Macintosh" using "Backup - all files")

3. Click on "copy now"

4. Close SuperDuper when you are done.

5. Install Chamelon Bootloader on your Macintosh hardrive (again, I use GUID. I don't know if it works on a MBR disk). Simply start the Chameleon installer and make sure to select your newly restored Macintosh drive as installation location.

6. Shutdown OS X, cross your fingers and boot from your Macintosh drive.

7. Enjoy



Super Duper!

Chameleon Installer (link to a posting)


Description how to fix SuperDuper! in case ist gives an error while preparing your disk for the backup:

Check this posting on netkas.org

You should do this from a terminal window since you need to gain root privileges to change this file.

1. Open a terminal window and execute this command: sudo -s (you will need to enter your password)

2. cd /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration

3. cp NetworkInterfaces.plist NetworkInterfaces.bak

4. nano NetworkInterfaces.plist

5. copy and paste the new entries into the correct position and save the file by pressing Ctrl-W. (Read the file, understand its structure and insert the data. Double check what you are doing. Putting the strings into the wrong place might cause trouble :))

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