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ASRock Penryn 110db n650i SLi compatible?

Adnan Khan

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I got this system three weeks ago and my endless trying to install JAS Osx 10.5.4 on it but everytime i do that all i get is "Still waiting for root device".

I've tried everything, SATA DVDROM to SATA Hard drive, SATA DVD-rom to IDE hdd, or even IDE dvd-rom to ide hard drive installation. But it all stops at this message above.

I've tried using these -x -v and -f but no use. I'm really frustrated as this motherboard is quite powerful and good one. But not having mac on my pc really disappointed me.

Can anyone help here please ???

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I got this system three weeks ago and my endless trying to install JAS Osx 10.5.4 on it but everytime i do that all i get is "Still waiting for root device".

I've tried everything, SATA DVDROM to SATA Hard drive, SATA DVD-rom to IDE hdd, or even IDE dvd-rom to ide hard drive installation. But it all stops at this message above.

I've tried using these -x -v and -f but no use. I'm really frustrated as this motherboard is quite powerful and good one. But not having mac on my pc really disappointed me.

Can anyone help here please ???


The standard JaS OSx86 10.5.4 Client Server Intel SSE2 SSE3 DVD WILL NOT BOOT on nForce chipset MOBO-based systems....this is because the DVD DOES NOT INCLUDE the MeDevil AppleNForceATA.kext in its "boot" Extensions.mkext even though it includes both the AppleNForceATA.kext and the AppleNForceATA.kext.TEST (also from MeDevil….. that should fix the "SAM MEDIA READ / WRITE' error when using SATA DVD drives) in the Install Packages on the DVD.....see my blog entry on how to install on an nForce MOBO chipset...... :P


For setting up a driver for your Nvidia 9500GT 1GB PCI Express GFX card see here.......

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Thanks for replying me back, Well I tried reading ur blog and but that PPF-O-Matic .exe doesn't exist there when i click the link. Anyway I have got iAtkos 4i and I'm burning it on 4x right. Will test it in morning. Do u think its worth trying or is it only way is to patch jas 10.5.4?

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Thanks for replying me back, Well I tried reading ur blog and but that PPF-O-Matic .exe doesn't exist there when i click the link. Anyway I have got iAtkos 4i and I'm burning it on 4x right. Will test it in morning. Do u think its worth trying or is it only way is to patch jas 10.5.4?


Sorry........ :) .......I have updated the link....... :)


If you have iATLOS v4.0i then you may as well try it.......although it does not appear to use standard names and layout for packages so on Repairing Permissions you may see SUIDs errors ......

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Hello Verdant,

Thank you very much for updating the link, I appreicate very much. Well I tried patching and the process went exactly how you've told. Then I burnt the DVD at 4x. So then came to the installation part, I booted from DVD, press F8 and then put -v and enter


The process started off and stopped at


"Mac OS Version:

Not yet set


Kernel Version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb 26 21:21:24 SCT 2008; made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_I386"


the DVD rom was idle like not making the rotation noise and the computer seemed to be stopped.


I think I've to just sale this system :censored2:


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Hello Verdant,

Thank you very much for updating the link, I appreicate very much. Well I tried patching and the process went exactly how you've told. Then I burnt the DVD at 4x. So then came to the installation part, I booted from DVD, press F8 and then put -v and enter


The process started off and stopped at


"Mac OS Version:

Not yet set


Kernel Version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb 26 21:21:24 SCT 2008; made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_I386"


the DVD rom was idle like not making the rotation noise and the computer seemed to be stopped.


I think I've to just sale this system ;)


The problem lies with the ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin..... so reboot from the DVD typing -s at the boot: prompt and waiting for the prompt

:/ root# to appear (I had to boot -s twice and press Enter after the static cursor appeared to get the prompt; you may not need to), type each of the following lines, followed by Enter and then waiting for :/ root# to re-appear:


mount -uw /
	   rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext


followed finally by exit.


"logout" will then appear on screen followed by "Jettisoning kernel linker" and the rest of the verbose booting screen, hopefully resulting in successful booting into the OS X Installer..... ;)


If this does not work then try again with


  /sbin/mount -uw /
  rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext 
	  rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext 
	  rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

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