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issues installing leopard on i9300


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i've tried installing the following installs on my dell inspiron 9300:


kalyway 10.5.1 - couldn't validate essentials package. something like that, every single attempt. the only resolution i've found is to keep trying? never works, 10+ attempts


kalyway 10.5.2 - when booting from the dvd, i get panic(cpu 0 caller 0x14CB3DE0) : "AppleSMCPDRC : :start - unrecognized device type\n"@/SourceCache/IOPlatformPluginFamily/IOPlatformPluginFamily-315.0.3/ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin/AppleSMCDRC.cpp 68 ....

followed by more debug info, doesn't matter which kernel i try to boot with.


JaS 10.5.4 - install completes, but keyboard and trackpad dont work. i dont have a usb kb to plug in at the moment, so i'll be attempting to complete this install tomorrow. curious as to why the kb and trackpad work fine in the pre-install, but not in the final install.


every other i9300 leopard install i've read about uses a kalyway 10.5.1 or 10.5.2 install and everything (minus intel2200) supposedly works out of the box. my experience in troubleshooting osx install failures is limited. what can i do or where can i look to find out why the kalyway installs are failing?



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I too cannot get osx86 installed on my Dell 9300.


I did have a successful install at one point - my hd died, and when I replaced it I can't get any of the installs (Kaly 10.5.1, 10.5.2, iDeneb, etc) to work properly. Going a little crazy.

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