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I have a P5W DH Deluxe with Asus EN 7300GT... I HAD everything working on 10.5.4 except QE so I was trying to find some kexts that would help the situation.. Well needless to say the ones I tried didn't help at all. I can only boot to single user but I am not very advanced when it comes to Bash and I don't know how to take them out and replace them with my backups that are on another drive in my Computer. Any help with the bash commands I would need to use to get up and running again would be greatly appreciated..


ohh i used kalyway 10.5.1 then upgraded from there.



To remove files

rm -rf file.kext

Be warned that this command is unforgiving. If you mistype then you could loose your info.


To move files

mv -f file1 file2


To copy files

cp -R file1 file2


To change Directories

cd directory


To list the files and directories of the folder your currently in



EDIT: Forgot about the permissions


To repair file permissions

chmod -R 755 file.kext


chown -R root:wheel file.kext


Then you have to reload your kexts. You can either boot with the -f flag or you can delete /system/library/extensions.kextcache.

I can help you some of the way. I messed up a fair few times with replacing kexts and with quiet boot/no timeout set I had to boot into the leopard install disk and run terminal from there to fix things.


To change to the directory containing the bad kext:


cd /System/Library/Extensions


To view the contents:




To delete a rogue kext:


rm -rf itsallmyfault.kext


You should also delete the extensions.mkext in /System/Library too.


To restore the good kext:


cp -r "/Volumes/Other Drive Label/Backup/original.kext" /System/Library/Extensions


I don't know how to repair permissions yet though.

If it's in your storage directory then it's already mounted. Else, if you want to mount something

sudo mount -t file_system_type /dev/device /path_to_mount_point


sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /Volumes/Windows

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