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Hello fellow Hackintosh-ers.



Today I finally got OS X onto my GA-N650SLI-DS4l board. I had to go back to iAtkos r3, after trying every new install disk it turned out an older one works... However I did need to go and get myself a USB keyboard, but I didn't mind, it's much better anyway.

Also had to buy a £3 Realtek PCI 8319 card, but that wasn't too much either.


My problem is, I've tried NVinject (also reformatted and chose from iAtkos) and it boots fine, gets to the point where it loads the GFX card drivers, and hangs -- but the GFX card does go quiet, a sign that something's doing something.


So now I'm stuck in Safe boot with a loud gfx card.


Anyone know what to do? Oh btw i did the device ids etc, the id is 0400 (0x040010de).






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