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I am in desperate need for Radeon x1600 drivers that work in post-10.5.2/graphics update Leopard! I have been trying this every day and night all this week and can't figure it out. I have installed Leo4All v3 patched on my AMD system (not in sig) and did not select any of the graphics driver packages. The x1600 package in the installer does not work and will not boot Leopard at all. My device ID is 71c2. Too many times I will install kext files (correctly!) and on reboot I will get a solid blue screen with sometimes a mouse cursor. What am I doing wrong?


Should I be using ATIInject.kext or Natit.kext? Who's version? Which version of ATIRadeonx1000.kext? ATINDRV? This has really got me baffled! I have searched though all the threads I could find on InsanelyMac, OSx86Scene, and a couple others. If someone has got this working, could you please post your graphics kexts so that I can try them? Thanks!


P.s. this is on a Gateway GT5034 with stock components except for this add-in PCI-E card. I am also using the VGA output, not the DVI. It is a 512MB card.

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