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I have downloaded the iATKOS v4i iso but I have found out that it does not support SSE2 cpus...


I would like to install 10.5.4 osx86 on the following system:


- Gigabyte 8PE800 (Intel i845PE chipset)

- Intel P4 2.4GHz (Northwood) (SSE2)

- RAM: 1.25 GB

- HDD: 80 GB (Ultra ATA)

- 3COM 10/100 3C905-TX Network card

- Geforce FX5700 256MB (NV36.2)

- Integrated audio


I would also like to have a dual boot with vista but at the moment I am more concerned with actually installing osx.

Would someone please tell me which osx86 distribution would enable me to install 10.5.4 osx86 on the above SSE2 system and if at all possible, some instructions?



Any help would be greatly appreciated...








I just installed iATKOS 4i on a P4 3GHz with SSE2. Since the installation finished just a couple of minutes ago I can't tell you much about what's working and what does not.


But I can provide you with the options I checked during setup:


- uncheck 'Darwin whatever...' (second entry from top)

- choose the Darwin Bootloader for non EFI and MBR systems

- check ToH kernel 9.2.0



- VGA: nvidia -> nvnatit

- system: I checked SATA support and NTFS3G since I'm using a SATA drive for OS X. Choose NTFS3G if you need to access a NTFS formatted drive

- networking: I'm not sure about this, but as far as I remember your 3COM NIC should work out of the box without any additional kexts



I've encountered a problem when using the toh -v boot, the I cannot see any hdds/partitions to install ox86 on.

(I.e. there are no hdds/partitions on the "Select a Destination" list)

Also, the keyboard does not work in the installation screen.



- Gigabyte 8PE800 (Intel i845PE chipset)

- Intel P4 2.4GHz (Northwood) (SSE2)

- RAM: 1.25 GB

- HDD: 80 GB (Ultra ATA)

- 3COM 10/100 3C905-TX Network card

- Geforce FX5700 256MB (NV36.2)

- Integrated audio

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