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I installed Leopard 10.5.1 on my desktop a few days ago with a dual boot of vista, so my hard drives are formatted in NTFS. I have a 400gb backup drive that I use for windows, and it shows up in Leopard, but I cant write to it. I can read files from it just fine, but what do I need to do to be able to write to it?


I have a RAID0 made up of 2x 500gb hard drives (which gives me about 1 terabyte of storage), and it has a lot more free space on it then my 400gb backup drive. Is there any way I can get Leopard to see this RAID and use the HD space? Its an Intel RAID chipset. I would love to have the option to save files from Leopard onto that RAID, since those hard drives wernt cheap and are pretty fast.


Also, is there a button/key combination that minimizes all windows and brings me to the desktop, like the 'show desktop' button in Windows?


Thats all the questions I have for now. Thanks.

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