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Hi all, sorry that my first post is such a newbie-ish question. (I refuse to use the word "noobish," at least, right now.) But if this works then hopefully in the future I'll have something better to say, haha. But, at least I've succumbed to joining the forums here. :)


I've tried Kalyway 10.5.2 and iATKOS 2i and 4i, none of them work. The iATKOS with the -v option both have the "Waiting for root device," and when I'm not using -v it shows the Apple logo with the circle and then after a while a glyph appears, a circle with a cross through it ("prohibition sign"). Kalyway, however, with all default "customization" options except videocard (well, I've tried lots of combinations...) boots fine into the installation process but after about...10% or so it fails and says something like "OS X could not be installed to your computer / Some files could not be copied to OSX86" or something like that, where "OSX86" is what I named the OS X hard drive. But it's been successfully formatted in the Disk Utility (in Kalyway, because that's the only installer I could get to...) to HFS or whatever was needed and thus the option of selecting that HDD became available in the Kalyway installer.


I guess maybe it has something to do with the fact that my DVD drive is IDE? But it works for Kalyway so I figured it can't be that. Well... here's my specs, hopefully they provide some insight:


- Intel Celeron 3.06 GHz

- 1.5 GB RAM DDR2

- 3 HDDs: Maxtor 60 GB (Windows) IDE, 230 GB WD IDE (media+music), 120 GB IDE for OSX, blank

- nVidia GeForce 6200

- External sound, Creative SoundBlaster USB

- Internal network, wifi dongle available however (with Atheros chipset, I believe, since I've had to fool around with it in Linux)

- LG cheap DVD R/RW 16x, I think...not even sure, haha.


So yeah... I've installed various Linux distros before without a problem, even Debian from scratch basically (erm, well a while ago...), so I don't see why OS X Leopard has been such a pain so far.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, and hopefully you read all this {censored}... heh. Thanks alot. =)



Hehh...*bump??* I've read all the guides but none of them really seem applicable... if anyone knows, with almost 50 views I'm sure at least one person has read this. I wouldn't mind any help, but I'm actually postponing working on it til I get a point in a certain direction, haha. The Ubuntu community is much more active/responsive to newbies though, I must say. XD

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