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"Thanks for waiting :(

Here you go.


We'll be releasing a more official announcement soon, but we wanted to get the tool out there. We sincerely hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it :)


Update 1: Just to clear up some confusion over what this actually does: yes, it jailbreaks and unlocks older iPhones, and jailbreaks iPhone 3Gs and iPod Touches. We only support the 2.0 firmwares.


Update 2: It looks like there aren't enough TCP ports on that server, so _BigBoss_ has generously offered to mirror it.


Update 3: If you get Error 1600 from iTunes (or if you see in your log a failure to prepare x12220000_4_Recovery.ipsw), try: mkdir "~/Library/iTunes/Device Support" ; if that directory already exists, remove any files in it. Then re-run PwnageTool. "



Here's a walkthrough:


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