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setting up my hackintosh as a server

DJ Plan B

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I'm trying to figure out how to turn my tower into a server of sorts so I can access all my music, movies, pictures, and documents from pretty much anywhere. I'm relatively new to setting up servers and configuring ports/firewalls, so keeping things in laymans terms would be most appreciated. my router is an apple airport extreme (802.11n) and i have time warner cable internet if that helps.


i use a macbook for work, and rather than carrying an external harddrive with everything on there, i'd like to just be able to set up a server that i can log on to from anywhere with an internet connection.


i've tried using apple remote desktop, and enabling remote access on the tower, but for some reason i can't get it to connect unless they're both on the same network.


not sure what else to do. any help would be most appreciated.



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Well, you can install a FTP server software or use Apple's built-in FTP sharing to set up a FTP server and just make sure you configure your router to re-route the request to the correct port on your hackintosh server.

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