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help with graphics


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hey im new to osx86 i just got my system installed with tiger and got wifi working. the issue im having now is that whe n i scroll on a web page or in finder everything gets all jumbled. the same thing happens wen i drag things along the desk top. i tihnk this may be my graphics card here is what system profiler is telling me.




VRAm(total) 32MB

vendor: Nvidia (0x10de)

device Id: 0x002d

revision id: 0x0015


resolution 1024 x 768

depth: 32-bit color

core image: not supported

main display yes

online: yes

Quartz extreme: not supported



i have a video card thats a little better, but every time i put the other card in and reboot osx tells me i need to reboot in a little black box with a bunch of other languages...i reboot and it does it again over and over again.

any help would be great thank you

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