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hey guys! im new here in the forums and i just want to try out leopard in my notebook


fyi my notebook is an acer aspire 5500, pentium m 1.7ghz, 768mb ram, 40gb hard drive (i'm planning on running solely on osx for a while since im about due for a reinstallation of xp anyways)


i've downloaded the kalyway 10.5.2 installer, but once the boot sequence begins, it stops at a certain point. i've been reading about the other guys' problems and it seems that mine occurs earlier than most



once the sequence gets to this line:




Mac OS version:

Not yet set


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.8: (date here) made by ToH:xnu-1228/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_I386




and it stops just after that.


now i've read that loading might take a while, but the screens been stuck for over 15 minutes and just stays there.


what should i do?


thanks a lot for your time guys!

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just a follow up:


when the first error i reported was happening, i was using my external dvd drive to load. i decided to try and use the internal dvd drive just to take a chance.


when i did, it still wouldnt load, but a different error arose. instead of the screen that came up earlier, this time, there's just one line that says:



System config file 'com.apple.Boot.plist' not found




and it just keeps flashing.


i hope someone can help me solve this problem :)

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