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hi, i'm new in x86 :P

I had install kalyway 10.5.3 and all work fine but if i boot my pc whit linux or windows i can use 75Hz on my monitor

my video card --> geforece 8800 320Mb

My monitor --> Samung SyncMaster 931 BW


If i go in system preference --> Display --> 1400x940 but in refresh rate i can select only 60Hz


Any solution?


Second problem is about keyboard all work fine but 2 key are inverted

if i push this "<" i see this "\"

if i push this "\" i see this "<"


but after istallation kebord was perfect so i think if i can lunch keyboard software for recognize it like after osx isnstall (but i can't find this application)




p.s. sorry for my english i'm italian :wacko:

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In the installation, did you install the nVidia NVinject for your card?!

Also, QE/CI (Quartz Extreme, Core Image) are active and functionnal show in the System Preferences.


Check it out for your Keyboard layout in the System Preferences. ;)


BTW, keyboard is not keybord!

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