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Is it now possible to install Leopard from an IDE dvd drive with the jmicron chipset?


I can use a flat file to install but the last time I tried that I had issues installing some software, the installers wouldn't actually launch at all, they'd just freeze, and I don't know if this would be because of the flat file or just incorrect drivers, so I'm wondering if a clean install would be more stable, but I can't do that if my drive can't be used.

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

All of the iATKOS DVDs have been installed on my system using my PATA DVD drive on a JMicron controller. That same JMicron controller actually is running the OS on a eSATA port, I keep my main OS seperated easily from OSX and my other test OSes by just disabling the Intel controller on the mobo.


Works well, but I'm fighting with it right now to get it back into AHCI mode... 10.5.6 doesn't seem to like the JMicron supplied driver anymore.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, My system is P4 2.4Ghz Cor2due,Ram 2gb,hdd 500gb, and Jmicron Sata/Ide controtter Msi P965 Platinum Motherboard,Nividia 256Mb Display card.I download every version of the hanckantosh ,IAKOS_5i, Ipc etc, but fail to install Mac os on my pc. Could any body help me in this Regard.

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