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[Guide] Gigabyte, EFI v8+, Vanilla, 10.5.3 update guide! The safe method.

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My current setup:


4 Hard Disks (with 1 or 2 partitions on each): Vista and OS X are on separate disks.


Integrated ALC889a sound



You need to have the following:

Extra hard disk (physical disk, not a partitioned drive)

Working 10.5.2 with EFI v8+ and Vanilla kernel


You need to have a working 10.5.2:

10.5 Retail (Vanilla) install: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=86167

10.5.2 Update (Vanilla) install: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...mp;#entry618748



How I did it:


Ia. Make a separate backup of all the modified kexts that you need to make your copy of OS X run on your computer. I downloaded an archive, so I didn't need to back anything up. Download your copy from:




Ib. When I got 10.5.2 to work on my setup, I used Carbon Copy Cloner (free utility) to make a copy of OS X 10.5.2 onto an external hard drive. You can do it for your extra internal disk if you wish. But make sure that it's physically separate from your working Vista/OS X drives, since you'll need to boot from this new copy. When you use Carbon Copy, give a different name to the Volume(drive) that you'll be copying to. Then, the next step is to install EFI v8+ and Making the external drive active.

***EDIT: When making a drive active, make sure to have the target drive unmounted/ejected. You can find your disk info (disk & sector) by using "Disk Utilities"


sudo -s (Enter)


cd /Volumes/Macintosh/Users/xxx/Desktop/EFI/pc_efi_v80 (Enter)


./startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsY ./boot_v8 (Enter)


dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY bs=512 count=1 (Enter)


dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/diskX bs=400 count=1 (Enter)


***X and Y correspond to the disk that you just copied the files to.***

***The terminal should show something similar to this***

bash-3.2# ls

.CFUserTextEncoding Desktop Music

.DS_Store Documents Pictures

.Trash Downloads Public

.bash_history Library Send Registration

.fontconfig Movies Sites

bash-3.2# cd desktop

bash-3.2# cd EFI

bash-3.2# ls

.DS_Store EFI.sh leopatch pc_efi_v80 postpatch.sh

bash-3.2# cd pc_efi_v80

bash-3.2# ./startupfiletool /dev/rdisk0s2 ./boot_v8

HFS+ filesystem detected

Looking for 1 words free

reading 4096,4096

Marking word 499

writing back 4096,4096

allocated blocks 32 at start 15968

bash-3.2# dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 bs=512 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

512 bytes transferred in 0.017674 secs (28969 bytes/sec)

bash-3.2# dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

400 bytes transferred in 0.022213 secs (18007 bytes/sec)


***Make sure no lines read "resource busy" or "mounted uncleanly" or something along those lines. That means that you have not ejected all the Volumes(drives) on the disk.***


II. Boot from the mirrored disk (Boot from the disk that you copied to).

***You may need to make BIOS changes to change the boot priority***

***Make sure that you booted from the copied OS X***


III. Download the 10.5.3 update



IV. Install the update onto the Original disk! You'll need to choose the Install location. Don't install to the default location (the one you booted from).

***If you did it correctly, it won't ask you to restart at finish, since you installed it to a different location***


V. Copy modified kexts over:

***If you are using the archive file that you downloaded in step Ia, type the following***

***EFI Folder should be on your desktop (After you extract it)***

***MACOS = Your current disk***

***Macintosh = Your original disk***


cd /Volumes/MACOS/Users/xxx/Desktop/EFI/


sudo rm -r /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext


sudo rm -r /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext


sudo rm -r /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMBIOS.kext


sudo rm -r /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext


sudo cp -r kext/ALCinject.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r kext/AppleHDA.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r kext/dsmos.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r pc_efi_v80/AppleSMBIOS.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r kext/AppleAHCIPort.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r kext/IOAHCIFamily.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp -r kext/IOATAFamily.kext /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/


sudo cp kext/IONetworkingFamily /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/


sudo cp kext/AppleACPIPlatform /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/MacOS/


sudo rm -r /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions.mkext



That should do the trick!!! Running smoothly as ever.


Shutdown/Reboot Works without extra patches.



NOW, I've noticed a few things with running OS X on Gigabyte G33m-DS2R since 10.5.2. These issues have not been fixed! ***EDIT: It has been fixed!


1.) VLC is slightly choppy when viewing AVI files (skips random set of frames). In fact, a lot of movie players act the same way. On the other hand, Quicktime and Chroma are the only players that do not skip frames. I know that it's not audio, because iTunes plays flawlessly. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the video card driver...

***EDIT: There's nothing wrong with video. It was NTFS-3G issue. Whenever I play movies on a NTFS drive, it skips frames... I'm currently using NTFS-3G and MacFUSE. I fixed this by increasing buffer/Caching to 1000 from 300ms. It works great now!***


2.) I can't play Call of Duty 2 with 8800GT card! It crashes before it starts. Anyone know how to fix this problem? I didn't use NVinject/installer of any sort. I did it manually using one of the guides for 8800GT. Performance is pretty good (Around 210 for OpenGL using xbench). I used "8800GT_EFI_Pack" Any ideas?

***EDIT: Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition works great!!! So it must be Call of Duty 2 not being compatible with G92 8800GTs.



*****************************EXTRA INFO************************************


Guide to install your 8800GT (G92) the proper way:



I also did a few extra things to my setup:

1) Installed NTFS-3G and MacFUSE to be able to read/write to NTFS (Windows) drives.

2) Edited boot/shutdown parameters to hide certain drives and unmount all the drives before shutdown so that the whole shutdown process takes less than 5 seconds.

3) Edited boot/shutdown parameters to fix the time discrepancy while changing Vista from OS X and vise-versa.

Do the following if you want to do it as well:

sudo -s

(type in your password, then press enter)

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

(add the following line)

date `date -u +%m%d%H%M%Y`

(Ctrl + O)


(Ctrl + X)

sudo nano /etc/rc.shutdown.local

(add the following line)

date -u 'date +%m%d%H%M%Y'

(Ctrl + O)


(Ctrl + X)

4) Edited boot parameters to boot in Verbose mode.


Making those changes makes my OS X 10.5.3 experience much better!

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