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KALYWAY Linksys WMP54GV2 - Got It Working With DLINK Drivers!


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Hi folks,


Just wanted to share a bit of a funny story. After following all the tutorials to get the WMP54GV2 running on my Kalyway 10.5.2 install, it still refused to detect the card. So I got fed up and bought a D-Link WUA-1340 USB Dongle Wifi Adapter, after reading that people have had great success with it.


I grabbed the drivers from the D-Link Site, here:




...and installed them, forgetting to remove the Linksys card. And like magic the WMP54GV2 card appeared and all is now working great with WPA and WEP. Needless to say I'm returning the other card.



I love it when that happens.




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Are you sure about the Linksys model number, I googled it and it's simply not found. Can you give me the exact model for the linksys card (it's a PCI, right?)


Sorry, in a blind fit of excitement I got that wrong. It's the WMP54GV2, not the WMP54GV2 :) Original post edited.

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Nice to see that you got your wireless working.



I am trying to get my D-Link WUA-1340 usb adapter working properly. Right now, I am using the same d-link drivers that you had downloaded, and it does work. However, I have to boot with the " -f " flag (refreshes the kexts files) in order to make the usb to work properly and always detect the device. Otherwise, without that -f boot flag, the wireless utility simple says "no device!!!" even though the system profiler shows it is connected and detected.


Are you having any problems like this?

Are you booting with any flags?

Your Linksys adapter is PCI though right?

So are you actually using the linksys drivers or the dlink drivers (or kexts, whatever they are could for OSX)?


Thanks for your info, may help me solve my problem.


(My thread on my problem with a little more information is http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=106542

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