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So i want to run garage band 08 and I need quicktime 7.3 or newer, and last time I downloaded the new quicktime I'm almost posotive it killed my system, I had to restart to finish installation of quicktime and I couldn't boot back up. Now I suppose it's possible I did something else while installing quicktime but I can't imagine what. So I tried to copy quicktime from my other mac and it won't open, it just crashes instantly, it was 7.4, the newest. Any ideas why this is happening.


And if the above seems permanent will iLife 06 work with Quicktime 7.2.1, because I have access to iLife 06 and I don't mind using that one, I read 08 is slightly better but nothing thats essential? Any ideas about quicktime issue? Could I somehow use Marvin's AMD utility somehow (I really have no idea how that is used.) Don't want to crash my system again!



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